
Sunday, August 30, 2020

.. Dark Cyberpunk Ambience Vol. 2.. is the quintessential, official music of.. did a curtain of silver mists come between the year 1999 and the following years after it.. did I really in the year 1999.. twenty-one years ago.. 21 years ago.. in the year 1999.. did I really say.. ".. I saw emmanuelle beart in "La Belle Noiseuse"... she was the ultimate firebrand in that movie.. and they're making a Lord of the Rings movie trilogy right now.. I don't know how they are going to do the hobbits.. but what it.. I'm thinking of this angry, furious nude woman who was nude emmanuelle beart in "La Belle Noiseuse".. and I'm thinking.. what it.. she was the true God's-honest nude Katerina Ivanovna in Dostoevsky's "The Brothers Karamazov".. in "La Belle Noiseuse".. what if that was the nude fiery, angry nude woman she was playing in that movie.. a nude Katerina Ivanovna Karamazov.. and.. I'm thinking... what it.. the technology that is going to transform adults into hobbits.. in the future movie "Lord of the Rings" trilogy.. could transform emmanuelle beart... into baby Kal-el... sob sob sob.. could transform her into baby Kal-el.. could transform emmanuelle beart of "La Belle Noiseuse" into baby Kal-el.. in a movie called.. "Man of Steel".. and it would truly be a movie steeped in the holocaust mythology.. of dostoevsky's.. "The Brothers Karamazov"... "... Hanno Ridal Raudsepp who is now Hanno Jason Leigh wonders... if he vocally expressed to himself some such thoughts in the year 1999.. the very first year of his life that he ever had.. the internet.. on his home computer.. and.. then a curtain of silver mists.. seperated that year.. 1999.. from the coming 21st century....

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