
Friday, November 13, 2020

.. Ahania (Hanno Jason Leigh): .. - to Squirrel Girl who works at Tim Hortons while she stands behind the counter -... ".. I want to apologise once again for not standing up during the Remembrance Day commemoration on the radio... I feel like.. I don't know.. maybe.. that young soldiers in World War One were forced to stand up during religious music.. as punishment.. and child soldiers in Afghanistan being forced to stand up during Arab religious music.. both of these standing ups.. young men in World War one.. young Afghani child soldiers... being for long hours.. being.. standing up for a long time.. and.. also... I bumped against the Tim Hortons chair when I was trying to stand up.. and therefore.. it was awkward standing up.. maybe I did feel.. that their was something offensive.. some offence.. to my feeling physically awkward standing up.. during a Remembrance day brass instrument commemoration.. on the radio.. to that sad music.. on sad low-key brass instruments.. sorry.. ".. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley kate moss.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3...

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