
Tuesday, December 15, 2020

.. 5. Intimate Dark Phoenix Soundtrack.. is the quintessential, official music of.. Hanno Koffler: ..".. they are fundamental particles... like tachyons.. but different than tachyons.. they are called.. I think they're called.. polaritrons.. or.. or-.. polaritons.. I'm not sure how to pronounce it exactly.. but just based on that name for these fundamental particles alone.. polaritons.. or.. or polaritrons... I think it means something like opposite poles.. like opposite poles of the earth.. or opposite poles.. of a galaxy.. it means what Gary Zukav said about two particles at opposite ends of the universe.. instantaneously communicating with each other literally in the same.. instant.. and.. it means.. that awful, terrible things can happen.. can truly happen.. awful things.. awful.. awful things can happen.. when speech... when human speech communicates by means of what must be.. based on that name alone.. pole-.. pole-.. pole.... polaritrons.. or polaritons.. fundamental particles named polaritrons.. or polaritons.. where human speech is instantaneously.. or.. or perhaps.. by some significant time differential.. human speech is communicated from different space or time sectors.. by means of polaritrons or polaritons.. human speech is communicated by means of these fundamental particles called either polaritrons or polaritons.. like fundamental particles at opposite ends of the universe.. communicating.. instantly... ".. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley kate moss.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3...

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