
Monday, May 1, 2017

Back to the Future Again.. screenplay by Hanno Raudsepp...

Marty McFly; ..".. so .. I'm reading Euripede's.. Euripedes ..  his name sounds like "Europe".. their's something very European about Euripedes.. so I was reading his play "Iphegenia in Aulis".. and oh .. wait.. I read the sequel... also by Euripedes.. "Euripedes in Taurus".. and the play seems to state that the Greek Goddess Artemis was goddess of human sacrifice.."

George McFly: ..".. Aaaahhhh.. she can't be.. Marty.. she can't... Artemis is good.."

Marty McFly: ..".. I agree ... dad.. but human sacrifice.."

George McFly: ..".. Marty .. she just can't.. she can't.. she's a good person.. Artemis is good.. she's pure.."

Marty McFly: ..".. but that's the point Dad.. Artemis is pure.. and their is purity in human sacrifice .. that's the them of Artemis.."

George McFly: ..".. I.. I think you're a lot smarter than me.. son.."

Marty McFly: ...".. I'm not... Dad.. I'm not.. you're right.. Artemis IS pure.. that's what she is .. Artemis is goddess of purity and human sacrifice.. like their the same thing, the same theme, the same symbol, the same religious dark epiphany.. purity and human sacrifice.. both are Artemis.. she incarnates both as a single theme.."

George McFly:.. ".. Marty.. Marty.. I just.. I don't know.. you're smarter than me.. a lot smarter.."

Marty McFly: ..".. I'm not Dad.. I'm not.. because she only understand the innocence of Artemis.. and I can't stop thinking of her darker aspects.. the difference between us is as simple and profound as that.. it has nothing to do with.. NOTHING.. with anyone being smarter than the other..."..

George McFly: ..".. I'm just thinking .. it's that.. Artemis is you.. Marty.. I think of Artemis as a person just like you.. Marty.. no different.. no different.. I just... I don't know.."

Marty Mcfly: .. ".. I appreciate that Dad.. you're right.. Dad.. it's just .. maybe it's the time-travelling.. I developed OCD.. and OCD is a feeling in the mind of human sacrifice.. that you're both perpetrating human sacrifice and that you ARE human sacrifice.. that's me.. that's the goddess Artemis.. Artemis is OCD.."..

George McFly: ..".. I always thought of Artemis as a schizophrenic young girl.."

Marty McFly: ..".. I think OCD leads to schizophrenia or schizophrenia leads to OCD.. Susanna Kaysen... who definitely had schizophrenia.. she couldn't lay it out more clearly in her autobiography that she has schizophrenia.. even tho she's scared of that diagnosis late in the book.. she says.. what.. that's just... beyond what I can be.. but she describes herself as having schizophrenic symptoms.. profound schizophrenic symptoms.. she also describes OCD.. her OCD.. she says thought is.. becomes.. stylized  .. somehow.. synthetic.. like plastic thought.. she uses the word "stylized thought" to describe her OCD.. all of that is Artemis..."

George McFly: .. ".. but.. is their.. is it real human sacrifice in the play.."

Marty McFly: ..".. it's.. it's not.. the play.. "Iphegenia in Taurus".. is an allegory.. just like is Shakespeare's "The Tempest".. just like the works of "William Blake".. Euripedes's second play about Iphegenia is not different.. I'm convinced "Iphegenia in Taurus".. actually takes place in a dream realm.. at the end of all things.. at the end of all things... at the end of pagan history.. at the very tail-end of Greek Mythology.. happens the experience of "Iphegenia in Taurus".. you could organize a novel just like that.. based on that chapter-layout.. like the chapter-layout of Umberto Eco's book, "Foucault's Pendulum.."

George McFly: ..".. I would.. I would like to write that book.. "

Marty McFly: ..".. Heyyyy.. now that's my dad talking.. you wrote a great book as good as the works of Philip K. Dick once.."

George McFly: ..".. ahh.. yes.. he wrote .. "When androids dream of electric sheep..?..".. or was it.."...Do Androids dream of electric sheep..?..".. kind of a title similar to Tom Wollfe's first book, "The electric cool-aid test.."..

Marty McFly: ..".. you know.. dad.. i'm thinking it's hard to read.. "Iphegenia in Taurus" and not think it's describing actual things that are really happening.. the thing is.. "

George McFly: ..".. wait.. son.. I READ that play.. I remember that Iphegenia.. clearly.. that she.. CLEARLY.. says that Artemis has no truck with human sacrifice.. that the natives are doing human sacrifice THINKING it is Artemis's will and desire.. but it's really not.. their doing it without her.."

Marty McFly:.. ".. prerogative..?..

George McFly: ..".. yeah.."

Marty McFly: .. ".. that matters... Dad.. it matters a lot.. it matters to the Hebrews.. the tribes of Israel.. the Israelites... in the Bible.. doing a lot of things outside of God's Prerogatives.. even tho the Bible insists God is verbally, textually commanding COMMANDING you followers Israelites of God to do this.."

George McFly: .."... he's not.. Marty.. he's not.."

Marty McFly: ..".. so that's what Euripedes's play.. "Iphegenia in Taurus" is all about..."

George McFly: ....".. you're right again Martry... as usual.. you're a lot smarter than me.. yer old dad.."

Marty McFly: ..".. I dunno.. Dad.. it's that .. it's also that Iphegenia thinks that Artemis isn't involved.. she doesn't think she IS involved with human sacrifice.. that she can't be.. she CAN'T be.. "

George McFly: ..".. she CAN'T..."

Marty McFly: ..".. but it's like.. Iphegenia is reluctant about it.. Euripedes writes that particular dialogue very carefully.. I'd like to read the original Greek of that play.."

George McFly:.. ".. I'll get that book for you.. Marty.. Iphegenia in Aulis.. sorry.. Taurus.. both.. I'll bet both plays for you.. thru alibris.. "

Marty McFly: ..".. i'll.. i'll look for them on addall.. see if their not too expensive.. you'd probably appreciate reading them in the original greek.. whether or not someone actually knows the language it's interesting.. it's really interesting to gaze at the Cyrillic greek text... also.. I'll say.. its like .. psychological, relational cubism.. Iphegenia's verbalized thoughts about the goddess Artemis.. it's like .. perspective.. you know.. dad.. in Return of the Jedi.."

George McFly: ..".. ahh.. I really, really liked the ewoks in that movie.. just loved them.. they looked like.. koala bears.."

Marty McFly: ..".. heeyyy.. yeah dad.. those were some rockin' ewoks.. I think.. it's like.. sorry.. dad.. Obi Wan-Kenobi told Luke Skywalker in that movie.. that you'll find, Luke, that a lot of the truths we cling to depend greatly on your point of you.. he was talking about perspective and cubism.. psychological cubism.. the philosophy and art of cubism is all about the art and science of perspective.. cubism is perspective.."

George McFly: ..".. ahh.. yes.. Marty.. you said Marshall McCluhan mentioned cubism in his book.. "Understanding media"..."

Marty McFly:.. ".. so Obi Wan might have been talking about points of view.. about Iphegenia's point of view about Artemis.. the goddess Artemis.."...

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