
Monday, May 1, 2017

"Spider-Man 10: Web of Spider-man: Gang War" co-directed by Sam Raimi and Patty Jenkins.. starring Tobey Maguire ...(medusa frank)...

Daredevil: ..".. I'm so sorry.. Spider-man.. I'm so sorry.. I can't... with all my powers of extra senses.. I can't tell you.. thru the ether.. I few simple words.. maybe two or three sentances.. and that's all.. that's.. that's all... it's that .. it's that it was always the Fathers who were supposed to be the most apocalyptically powerful promoters of Enron Justice.. never the grandmothers.. they put out grandmothers as a meme so it wouldn't be Fathers who they said had billions of dollars stolen from them in Enron.. Fathers as authority figures.. Fathers .. Fathers.. Darth Vader means Darth Vater.. Dark Father is what Darth Vader is in German.. Dart Vater.. Darth Vater.. Vater is Father in German.. Darth Vader means Dark Father.. a Dark Father as in a harsh but fair father.. Alice Miller's fathers.. Darth Vader is Alice Miller's fathers.. that's why you're seeing all those images of Darth Vader on the internet... that's why you're .. seeing all those images of Darth Vader on the internet.. it's an image of the condition and the soul of Fathers in the Enron age.."

Peter Parker: - at the other end of the City.. near Queens.. or in Queens.. Daredevil is in Hell's Kitchen.. presently.. inaccessible to Queens because of city-tri-partite sanctions... Peter Parker is looking at YouTube images of Darth Vader -..".. but he's Darth Vader.. but he's Darth Vader.. he's the man who made sleeping in bed safe for me when I was a child.. I had a Star Wars Darth Vader blanket when I was a child.. it was my very favourite blanket.. Darth Vader.. Darth Vader.."

Daredevil:...".. Darth Vader is the harsh but fair Father of Enron victimization.. it was the Fathers who were meant to be the victims of Enron.. never the grandmothers .. never the grandmothers.. billion dollar fraud.. billion dollar fraud.. the sons...?.. the sons of Enron are not that well of either.. they are the sons of Justice.. the enron prosecutors are Sons of Justice.. the Enron Prosecutors always prided themselves on being dark men.. on being dark men.. with dark senses of humour.. on being men with dark souls.. men with dark souls.. the prosecutors of Enron.. Haydnn is Ben Affleck Christian Bale Batman.. they're all big guys.. "

Spider Man 10: Web of Spider Man: Gang War... directed by Sam Raimi and Patty Jenkins.. Ned Leeds is BACK as the Hobgoblin in Spider man 10.. starring Tobey Maguire, Kiersten Dunst, Alan Rickman and Hanno Raudsepp as Ned Leeds..

 .... (medusa frank)... medusa frank..

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