
Wednesday, October 25, 2017

the man who only knows himself as "Edgar" (Tom McCamus), the "Edgar" to Hanno Raudsepp's Bruce Wayne's "Edmund", the man who will become the Joker in seven or ten years, the man who is twenty-five years old right now and lives in Ivy Town: ..".. one of the most dismaying and disturbing lines phrases in the history of literature... quoted by the Finnegan.. the great Finnegan.. ".. to be hopelessly behind the dreams of accuracy as an camelot prince of dinmurk..".. why would James Joyce combine the name of the most honourable Judge of them all, the honourable Prince Hamlet.. with the Mordor of Mediaeval Roman Britain, Camelot, the prison-city of Camelot, the dungeon horror-chamber of Camelot, like an Apollo Hamlet God the breath of a God kissing carrion Camelot.. for yes if the sun-God Apollo be able to breed maggots of Camelot in a dead dog Camelot.. have you a daughter.. Kal-El.. she may also be the daughter of Darkseid.. she may be the daughter of two fathers, Kal-El and Darkseid.. she may be born in the womb of planet apocalips... this medusa child of Kal-el and Darkseid.. this medusa child of Kal-el and Darkseid.. this medusa ivy town child an irish princess born of the maiden Gorgon soul of Kal-el Superman.. and of Darkseid.. Darkseid.. Darkseid.. a medusa princess of ivy town born of two fathers.. Kal-el and Darkseid .. Kal-el and Darkseid.. I call cale cale cal cal call her by the name, "Poison ivy Benitez".. she is a cale woman treu.. she is a cale woman treu.. as if like athena she had been born of a shield.. if like athena she had been born of a shield... she is the shattered image of Caliban looking at himself in the cracked looking-glass.. the poor wee calibairn.. teh por wee bairn.. the poor wee bairn.. and Caliban was the nobel savage who was teh hero of Aldous Huxley's novel ,"Brave New World... Bernard Marx.. sorry.. Bernard Marx.. your rtime will come.. you were right.. time will pledge you right, Bernard Marx.. those young men were manhandling that young women and you could not have been more right to have an upset stomach about it .. Bernard Marx.. time and history will prove your sentiments to be accurate ones.. Bernard Marx.. your time will come, Bernard Marx.. your time will come.."...

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