
Monday, December 11, 2017

.. ethan hawke is hal jordan.. in "Green Lantern; the jade warrior", directed by David Shore..

Hal Jordan (ethan hawke) :..".. their is one slimeball-book I'll never read.. and that book is "Barbarians at the Gate".. ?.. why..?.. one simple reason... they say bad things about junk bonds.. and.. and.. the people who sell them.. in that book.. in that maggot-infested book, "Barbarians at the Gate", written by an author or authors who seemed to have no problem with throwing terrified women into pools infested with man-eating piranha's for those women to be eaten alive by piranha's while they shrieked in terror.. that happened to a woman in a James Bond movie.. a Sean Connery James Bond movie.. I think the name of the movie.. is, "You only live twice".. James Bond doesn't rescue her.. he doesn't even know it happened.. he thinks she's alive.. right until the end of the movie and after, James Bond has no idea.. that she died.. that she had such a horrible death.. he thinks she's fine.. he thinks she's fine.. but the effect of that... on a young viewer like myself.. is that he doesn't care.. is that the Sean Connery James Bond doesn't care.. it was nice that he married at the end of the movie.. they tried to lighten the horrific blow.. the horrific blow.. that is why.. without knowing a single thing about finance outside of the econometrics textbook I read regularly which doesn't mention bonds.. at ALL.. without knowing anything about bonds.. because I know about James Bond.. that his last name is Bond.. that his last name is Bond.. and DAMMIT.. that's actually what bonds mean in the financial market.. they mean James Bond.. they mean James Bond.. that's why I, Hal Jordan, think that Jesus Christ himself must have invented the expression.. "junk bonds".. heh.. "junk bonds".. well, not so with a truly terrifying Mafioso who makes Carmine Falcone look like the holiest, gentlest, most spiritual man alive, not true with a truly terrifying Mafioso-type in the book, "Barbarians at the Gate", who makes the most horrific comments about a junk-bond trader who he meets.."...

script monologue written by William Mackenzie.. aka.. Hanno Ridal Raudsepp... for Green Lantern; the Jade Warrior.. starring Ethan Hawke, Cynthia Belleview / Bellevieu.. and Ralph Fiennes as Sinestro...

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