Batman (Hanno Ridal Raudsepp) : .."... It was my experimental endeavour to clone the soul of Batman.. to create a true Bat-God of many many souls of many many Batmans.... of many, many Bruce Wayne's... and to create a treu fairy-tale pink-dust Republic of planet Mars in which perhaps imaginary story's of a treu fairy-tale Mars Diana perhaps written secretly, so secretly by Charles Moulton may someday reside in this realm of the Bat-God populated by so many of the souls of my many Bruce Wayne's.. in the Bat-machine..."
Talia al Ghul (Tiffany Taylor) : ... ".. and I shall wed them all.. they shall all be.. my Beloved... my Beloved... Valentine love of Batman Righteousness and greed treu envy of love mediaeval... a treu Faustian Love be the wretched Gretchen love between myself and Batman.. all Batmen and all Bruce Wayne's... a treu garbage love of sewer-rat soils be the love between myself and Bruce Wayne.. all men named Bruce Wayne and all men named Batman and some men named Batman but not Bruce Wayne.. of all Earths.. of all Earths.. for so shall I call all the Earths my Beloved and my Conquest treu eternal of my schismatic heart a heart of Saint Luke's Division, a heart cast a'broil by the Shipwracked tumultuous divisions of Families.. of the Family's of Ra's al Ghul my treuest Father mine..."
Batman (Hanno Ridal Raudsepp) :.. ".. for I feel their should be as many Bruce Wayne's as their are men, young men, who wish to be Bruce Wayne.. even if those young men number in the thousands.. and if those young men hearken for polyglot minds and minds which seeks to conquer and master textbooks of anylitical chemistry and Fassenden's Organic Chemistry.. and plant-microbe interactions volume 3 published by Kluwer Academic Publishers.... all these the intellectual territory of all future Bruce Wayne's.. to help them as well understand their companions both friend and foe Poison ivy and the Joker .. those two conquisatadores(?).. of Chemistry.. of the Almighty God Chemistry... and wasn't chemistry fundamental to the linguistic architecture of James Joyce's "Finnegans Wake".... as was mathematics...?... and finally alchemy.. mediaeval alchemy is the source of the very broiling soul of Bruce Wayne a treu Saint Petersburg Witch's Cauldron the very source of the very tumult and torment and turbulence of Bruce Wayne's very soul.. and Turgenev wrote about finally those female Russian terrorists somehow forbidden to the texts of Dostoevsky.. those women so, so dear to Talia al Ghul's heart.. and Alexander II.. the Czar who emancipated the Russian Serfs.. must be as dear to Talia al Ghul as her own father, Ra's al Ghul..."
dialogue written by prospective novelist.. William Mackenzie.. aka Hanno Ridal Raudsepp.. for George Miller's / Scorcese's / Sophia Copolla's movie "Justice League; chapter two"...
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