
Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Ahania Blacksmith is Hanno Jason Leigh...

Ahania Blacksmith (Hanno Jason Leigh):.."... Alexis... Alexis Luthor (Michael William Rosenbaum)… I cannot explain the horrific, unspeakable, unprecedented-horror that happened to the man who became.. the Bogeyman.. a very innocent, an unbelievably innocent man who had adopted the supervillain guise of The Bogeyman... so that a children's team of four-child superheroes would have .. a main nemesis.. to spar with... and.. I can't explain what happens when a man as good and decent as this "Bogeyman".. comes recurrently in contact with the innocence of pure childhood as he did with this four-child member superhero team called "Power Pack".. and how he.. the Bogeyman.. had deep deep prophetic time-travel powers.. and.. perhaps he himself... ironically.. as such.. was a mutant.. he knew.. the man in real life upon whom the Bogeyman was based.. he knew that something so unprecedented.. an unprecedented horror.. would happen to a sacred, beloved female superhero.. who would be so terrified when this happened and who would also be.. undefended from any quarter.. perceived from every single quarter this now-former female superhero would be seen as .. indefensible... indefensible.. and I believe this female superhero of whom the goddess Medusa wanted to warn us about what would happen to her but she was thwarted by an extremely nefarious DC forum poster named RHMedes… for those who read the DC forums or DC message boards of the official DC comics website.. in terms of RHMedes heartbreaking, ardent defence of Medusa and RHMedes subsequent awful approval of the killing of Maxwell Lord by Wonder Woman.. in terms of losing something to a twist of emotion-sensation of a double-standard between Medusa and Maxwell Lord represented by DC forum-poster RHMedes… in terms of something going on where it seems like their is a double-standard with the brutal killing of Medusa being something to condemn whereas the killing of male characters by Wonder Woman being something to applaud.. it's like.. that Medusa.. may.. the soul spirit of Medusa in the comics may have wanted to warn us about the next Medusa being none other than the George Perez Wonder Woman (Megan d. Iseult).. who would suffer such an unimaginably horrific fate.. that.. the Bogeyman in Hell... he wanted to .. channel.. to verily CHANNEL that horrific fate of the George Perez Wonder Woman.. into the man who was the Bogeyman's horrific suffering in Hell.. in the Inferno of Hell.. he wanted to channel all that suffering of the George Perez Wonder Woman thru comic-book-time-travel means into his physical frame.. because that's just the kind of man he is.. a defender of childlike superhero's just like the George Perez Wonder Woman... and.. if you read the next issue of Power Pack right after the issue of hte the Bogeyman person in Hell being transformed thru the shearing of his flesh .. sorry.. Bogeyman.. real sorry.. being transformed thus into a real Demonic Mountain-Bogeyman.. that in the very next issue with ALL of his human sentience perfectly intact and marvelously articulate he is as well at that.... he represents a philosophy of stern paternal authority... it's understanding who this remarkable Bogeyman who he still actually IS.."...

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