
Wednesday, November 6, 2019

cronos - epic orchestral music.... is the music of.. Alexis Luthor (Michael William Rosenbaum) and Superman (Brandon Routh)....

Superboy (Brandon Routh):.."... here... Lex... I went back to that meteor on the ground.. you did something with that water-sprinkler fluid you sprayed on to it.. it no longer harms me.. the radiation from that meteor no longer harms.. me.. Lex .. the eczema on you hands.. which you mentioned.. "..

Lex Luthor (Michael William Rosenbaum):..".. it's okay... it just stings a bit.."

Superboy (Brandon Routh):.."... I hope you don't mind if I become the deranged egghead scientist.. Lex... with you.. in that.. I actually managed... to kind of .. my bare hands.. I .. with my fingernails... I cut a little piece off of that meteor.. see... I wonder.. I hope you don't mind my making a strange request in the name of Kryptonian hygiene.. do you mind if you rub a bit of this meteor-fragment which I severed from the meteor.. against the eczema on you hands.. even if it gets in your bloodstream.. is that.. safe..?.."

Lex Luthor (Michael William Rosenbaum):..".. oh... hahhah.. sure Superboy... I don't mind you getting super-scientist with me..."... Superboy hands Lex the tiny fragment of meteor-rock.. Lex rubs it against his eczema on his hands... "... it's interesting.. I'm seeing a kind of blueish aura now that it's against my hands.. maybe in contact with the blood.. interesting.. thanks.. Superboy.. all in the interest of scientific inquiry..".. the Kryptonian fragment sparks fiery sparks.. ".. oh.."

Superboy (Brandon Routh):...".. oh.. sorry Lex.. okay.. it should be in your bloodstream.. okay.. Kathy Bates.. Holly Hunter.. it's okay... it's that.. the Finches.. Kathy Bates and Holly Hunter are the Finches.. okay.. I've got a confession to make Lex Luthor.. it's that.. that meteor-fragment now in your bloodstream... I did something with my heat-vision against it.. induced a chemical mixture I learned since my boyhood... inside this meteor-rock.. I know what it means.. I'm not sure how.. it's a message from my biological mother.. lara.. oh yes.. I mentioned.. the name of my biological mother is lara.. in my spacecraft coming to earth.. she explained this chemical process.. to me.. it means.. if I ever... if something .. deranged happens with my mind... and I go.. renegade.. I become .. an evil Superman.. like the Nazi concept of a Nazi Superman.. if that is in my future.."

Lex Luthor (Michael William Rosenbaum):..".. - what...?... oh!...."

Superboy (Brandon Routh):.."... I'll be completely .. helpless .. against you.. Lex.... sorry... I'll put it differently.. sorry Lex.. it means... my superpowers.. my super-strength will short out.. like a circuit-breaker.. sorry.... the word... circuit-breaker.. a painful word.. it's like.. my super-powers will defuse.. and I'll have the strength and power of a normal human man every single moment that I'm within thirty or forty yards of you... Lex.. or more .. a much greater distance than that.. actually.. Lex.. not sure how long a yard is anyway.. just.. estimating.... "...


the music at the 7-minute point of... Cronos - epic orchestral music … is the music of..

Grandfather Jor-el (his phantom image in the fortress of solitude.. Marlon Brando.. Marlon Brando..):..".. and now... Kal-el.. sorry... Clark Kent.. that is your name on earth.. Clark Kent.. I will relate one of the most painful episodes of the history of Krypton.. the story of Fyenshya-el (winona hyacinth horowitz ryder)…."

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