
Monday, March 30, 2020

The enigma TNG - Death Dealer.. is the mus ic... is the music of.. Rebecca Raskolnikov (Nikita Bellucci):.."... it was PHANTOMS.. it was honest, authentic phantoms.. who rescued me from being raped by mental institution security when I was in the shower in a mental institution.. in a mental institution in Scarborough.. in this mental institution .. they don't permit locks on bathroom doors.. on any bathroom doors.. because we might injure ourselves.. we might cut ourselves.. I mean.. we might be cutters.. that's why in THIS mental institution.. Providence mental institution in Scarbarough, Canada.. in this selfsame mental institution .. they didn't permit locks on bathroom doors.. the bathrooms that had showers and the bathrooms that didn't have showers.. all the bathrooms..".. The Phantom Zoe The Phantom Zone The Still Zone The Honeycomb Zone.. the honeybee zone the phantom zone death dealers.. sophia.. and Belbo.. and .. and .. Christian Slater is Casaubon.. and Samantha Matthis is his girlfriend Lia..

Bruce Willis was a Phantom / phantom in "The Sixth Sense", directed by M. Night Shamalayan..

Is Captain Cold a Phantom now.. ?.. - sob sob.. because of Lady Styx.. ?.. sob sob sob...

Uncle Markus is a Cracker Barrel...

Edward Nygma (Johnny Depp):..".. what if... Alexis Luthor was an honest, authentic, bonafide phantom on "Superfriends".. what if.. what if he died before the very, very, very, very first episode of "Superfriends" ever even aired.. and he was a phantom.. for every single episode of "Challenge of the Superfriends".. except for his origin story his partially drastically, drastically, radically, drastically but still apocalyptically powerful origin story Adventure comics issue #271 written by Jerry Siegal telling of his origin story when he actually Alexis Luthor on Superfriends actually looked like Christian Bale.. when he was a young man with red hair and for the very first time on the show was not a phantom.. in the origin story on the screen.. what.. can the elderly man somehow.. can he turn out to be.. "Highfather".. is "Highfather" / Highfather.. is he Jack Kirby.. ?.. -.. not literally Jack Kirby but.. a Jack Kirby created-character.. or inherited Jack Kirby character.. ?.. - Highfather / "Highfather".. on "Superfriends".. and this origin story of Alexis Luthor and of Doris Zeul Giganta .. just those two.. just those two origin stories.. only those two.. the origin story of Alexis Luthor and the other origin story told was the origin story of Doris Zeul Giganta on the telescreens.. and that was the very, very last episode of "Challenge of the Superfriends"..."...

… the whole previous long, long, long monologue is.. the fatal star.. and is also .. sob sob sob.. James Robinson.. of a beautiful Wonder Woman comic book run written by James Robinson..

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