
Thursday, June 4, 2020

antihero - epic dark powerful hybrid dramatic music.. is the quintessential, official music of.... Ahania Blacksmith (Hanno Jason Leigh).. became addicted to drinking... ginseng.. ginseng.. a truly satanic, horrific drink: ginseng... ginseng is an alcoholic drink which mixes and interacts horrifically with the medications in .. in Ahania Blacksmith's (Hanno Jason Leigh's) system.. producing a satanic, horrific effect on his.. borderline personality disorder.. symptoms.. and also.. Ahania Blacksmith (Hanno Jason Leigh).. brushed his teeth.. with pure Crest.. with.. aka... with fluoride.. and that fluoride .. in his mouth.. got so into his system that it produced a satanic, sadistic, horrific effect.. on his nervous system and horrifically, radically... aggravated.. his borderline personality disorder.... dark hybrid dramatic music... antihero.. -.. antihero...- antihero....

          .. in the inwards of the above URL... "kyb"... for.. Kyber.. aka.. Ciba-Geigy...

antihero - epic dark powerful hybrid dramatic music .. is also the quintessential, official music of..

Alexis Luthor (Michael William Rosenbaum):.."... Superman (Brandon Routh).. can you hear me.. Ahania (Hanno Jason Leigh) explained everything.. if you have alcohol in your system.. Superman (Brandon Routh)… or fluoride.. I'm really, really sorry... Superman (Brandon Routh)… in some areas of the States .. I'm certain their's fluoride in faucet tap water.. in some areas.. I'm certain of it.. I'm going to study healing stones.. Superman (Brandon Routh).. especially quartz.. maybe.. I just have an intuition.. about healing stones.. Superman (Brandon Routh).. I've always been intrigued by quartz.. Superman (Brandon Routh).."..

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