
Thursday, June 4, 2020

.. at the very, very, very beginning of the Metropolis section of.. "Superman; man of tomorrow; chapter one", directed by Steven Spielberg and Sophia Copolla.. Golden Age / Intermission age series.. 1st series.. 1st series...

.. Dark Cybergoth mix the enigma TNG.. is the quintessential, official music of..

            … Intergang Files:..".. she's real.. she exists.. only she could be the source.. only she could be responsible for the creation of.. covid-19.. a world-wide disease which has already claimed millions of lives.. millions.. millions.. millions.. "...

Poison ivy (Hyacinth Ryder)

Hannibal Leach (Harry Knowles):..".. she's reeeaal..?..."..


      ..  meanwhile..

Julian Day (Alan Rickman) and Angelo Bend (Crispin Glover).. go on a hardcore male-villain Metropolis-crime spree....

Marga Anto:..".. their will always be those who take advantage.. of the general weakness and malaise... of the world population..."...

.. Dark Cybergoth mix the enigma TNG - …...

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