
Thursday, June 4, 2020

.. most powerful haunting female vocal music evocative dramatic vocal music ... is the quintessential, official, universal, mystical music of... Jervis Tech (Dustin Hoffman):..".. yeah... I became .. of all things.. sorta on a lark.. I became... an actor... a Hollywood movie actor... I speak very cogently and normally.. with painstaking normality I speak.. a lot more like my animated series counterpart and nothing at ALL like my comic book counterpart.. I dunno.. maybe.. someday.. something gets scrambled or a mesh happens in the neurophysiology-wires of my brain .. and.. - poof -.. but for now.. I'm looking forward to playing Adam Verver... in a looooong.. movie.. of Henry James's novel... "The Golden Bowl"... a movie directed by David Lynch and Jacques Rivette.. and it's like.. an actress who.. she's like the actress Iman.. or the actress Ishtar... or the actress known as.. 'the goddess Tammuz'... she's an actress called.. 'the queen of fables (uma thurman)'.. heh.. i llike that.. I really like that.. .'the queen of fables (uma thurman)'.. that's her Hollwood-actress-handle.... and.. she's playing Charlotte Stant ... in this movie... and kind of think like.. it's like Charlotte Stant.. has SO MUCH in common with this Superfriends character.. she's called... Giganta... I dunno.. it's funny in me.. I think so very, very, very, excrutiatingly much I think of Charlotte Stant being the same person as .. as Giganta.. on the superhero show.. 'Superfriends'.. and so I'm Adam Verver in the movie and I fall in love with her.. and It's kind of like I'm in love.. almost like I'm in romantic love.. with my own biological daughter.. Maggie Verver.. played by actress Ruby Ryder-Lamont (Hyacinth Ryder)... and it's looking really good... it's looking really good.... either Patrick Elliot (daniel day lewis).. or a new actor of the name.. Ahania Blacksmith (Hanno Jason Leigh).. is playin'.. Prince Amerigo.."....

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