
Thursday, June 4, 2020

Villain - 1 hour epic dark sinister dramatic music .. is the quintessential, official music of... Golden Age Lex Luthor (Kevin Spacey):...".. ahh.. Alexis (Michael William Rosenbaum)... I know your name is Alexis (Michael William Rosenbaum)... I know your little sister.. lena thorul... but I think she has .. she acquired a last name that really intrigues me deeply.. I'm thinking.. Bill Casey.. William Donavon -.. Colby... ahh... -.. William Colby.. I think she shared a name.. his last name is Colby.. William - heh.. i know.. William Colby's last name is Colby.. and.. your little sister .. Alexis (Michael William Rosenbaum).. she's lena thorul.. and colby.. she's a colby.. so has a - .. connection.. see.. heheh.. she has a lineague.. she's part of the Royal Dynasty of the CIA.. so your little sister is colleagues with people in high places.. Alexis (Michael William Rosenbaum)... and I've got this book.. masterfully, exhaustively written this book.. it's a book written by William E. Burrows.. and the book is about .. it's about.. the whole twentieth century history of satellite surveillance networks swathing our own dear planet earth.. for all of the twentieth century history for which all this.. satellite surveillance.. has occured.. and.. I don't know if I'm even that special.. or if I'm even particularly smart or intelligent.. but .. heh.. i'm kindof a dreamer of my myself being like .. ahhh... i wish I could be.. a visionary..."...

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