
Thursday, July 16, 2020

.. the music which begins at the 8 minute 40 second point of the below URL.. the music that begins at the 8 minute 40 second point of evil music mix 10.. is the quintessential, official, universal, mystical, archetypical music of.. Superman (Brandon Routh):..".. Morgan (Daniella amavia).. Morgan la fay (Daniella Amavia).. your loss is .. unimaginable.. your loss... morgan la fay (daniella amavia).. your loss is.. beyond comprehension.. but I want to talk about a loss that I'm going to have.. that I've already begun- I mean.. a loss which may.. inconceivably compare.. to your loss.. morgan la fay (daniella amavia).. sorry.. i mean.. I... i mean.. a loss which I have just begun to have.. which may come to compare to your loss.. morgan la fay (daniella amavia).. it is the forever loss.. of a good friend I had in my boyhood.. in Smallville, Kansas.. see.. I can no longer remember his name.. his name has been mindwiped from my memory.... but I feel like my losing this friend.. that.. see.. it's like.. my friendship with my boyhood friend.. it's like.. a medieval dungeon-sensation for me.. because.. my friendship with my boyhood friend.. it's like it's.. against hte the law.. and I don't.. I'm supposed to uphold the law.. but I don't.. I'm not happy with a law... that denies me the right to my friendship with my boyhood friend.. who's name has been mindwiped from my memory.. but he.. it's like.. it's as if he really was.. after all.. my very best friend.. in Smallville, Kansas.. like that's exactly who he was.. to me.. in Smallville, Kansas.. and his name.. it .. okay... this is painful.. I had another good friend.. in Smallville, Kansas.. he was black... and he was also my best friend.. I can't explain what I mean when.. my best friend who was black... his name was Pete.. Pete... and.. he... we .. Pete and I .. we were like THIS - ..".. - Superman (Brandon Routh) knots his fingers together -.. ".. but this other best friend of mine... who's name I honestly can't remember anymore.. because his name has been mindwiped from my memory... he came.. from.. now... I am going to use the word.. 'magic'.. that awfully pedophilic word 'magic'.. Morgan la fay (daniella amavia).. where this other best friend.. who's name has been mindwiped from my memory.. it's like.. he came from a magical realm.. like.. ahh.. I know now.. he came from Plato's .. or Socrates's .. realm of pure mathematical forms.. that's the magical realm that this my other best friend came from.. and maybe that's the point.. where.. math.. math is my dread, mortal enemy.. where the one true dread, mortal enemy of Superman.. is math... is mathematics.. and see.. my secret, sacred best friend from Smallville, Kansas.. who's name has been mindwiped from my memory... he came from the magical realm of Plato's... or Socrates's .. realm of pure mathematical forms.. like that's his true home... his true.. abode..."....

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