
Thursday, July 16, 2020

.. at the 16 minute 40 second point.. of the below URL.. at teh the 16 minute 40 second point of.. evil music mix 10.. is the quintessential, official music of.. a young female-fan:..".. it's like.. sob sob.. Michelle Pfeiffer was frightened.. at the end of "Maleficient 2; Mistress of evil".. and Michelle Pfeiffer .. it's like she became the evil queen.. and she was frightened at the end of that movie.. and it gave me kind of a gnarled, crinkly feeling inside my abdomen.. when that happened.. at the end of "Maleficient 2; mistress of evil".. and.. when I think of characters who were.. meant to be villains in movies.. and I think of Jesse eisenberg as Lex Luthor in "Batman v Superman; dawn of justice".. and I think of how he wasn't intimidated at ALL by Batman at the the end of hte the movie when he jesse eisenberg lex luthor was in prison... and how it would not in this galaxy or in many, many, many other galaxies besides... would it even be conceivable for jesse eisenberg lex luthor to be frightened.. at all.. at ALL.. and Batman was so scary in that scene in prison at the end of that movie.. and.. I can't explain how .. jesse.. how he was.. different.. yeah... that's it.. just.. just different.."...

.. the music that begins at the 16 minute, 40 second point of .. evil music mix 10.. is also the quintessential, official music of..

lex luthor (jesse eisenberg):..".. yeh.. heh.. that name... the name... jesse.. jesse eisenberg.. just like.. heisenberg.. eh..?.."..

Lincoln March (ben affleck):..".. yeah... heh.. just like him.. just like... heisenberg... heh..."

lex luthor (jesse eisenberg):..".. that name... that name.. jesse eisenberg... was so ethereal.. so transient.. to me.. and.. it's kind of like.. I want to relax you.. Lincoln.. it's like I wasn't really in prison.. it's like I was tired in my home in my bedroom at bed.. and like I was hearing the schizophrenic voice of a man.. a black man.. I guess.. he being... security.. security guard.. and that's all it really was.. to me.. and I saw the movie.. and I RECOGNIZED myself... and it all HAPPENED.. just like that.. just like that.. and then... heh.. when I talked to you Lincoln... you as Batman.. heh... you as Batman.. it was so spine-tingling.. and I thought.. hahhahahh.. I thought .. see.. i'm lex luthor.. and you Batman are sending me to ARKHAM ASYLUM.. and the joke is.. see.. the joke is.. I'm lex luthor... and I've been diagnosed as insane.. and I'm being sent to Arkham Asylum.. by Batman.. hah HAHAHAHHAHAH!!!!..."

Lincoln March (ben affleck) smiles.... peacefully....

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