
Wednesday, August 19, 2020

.. beautiful haunting female vocal music.. evocative vocal music... is the quintessential, official music of.. when the other Kate Moss comes back from France...

the other Kate Moss: ..".. but Hanno.. I believe in a change from the original vision.. because that's what it means.. to adapt to changing circumstances.. ONLY Kate Moss was going to play Poison ivy.. in the 'Gotham' movies.. or in the sole, single 'Gotham' movies.. when Clayface HAD been Matt Hagen.. and when.. it was an angry-faced Poison ivy at the end of that Greg Rucka No Man's Land Poison ivy Batman issue.. and most of all.. it's Batman's dismay over Clayface in that issue.. and it's Poison ivy saying that if Batman and Robin don't leave the Park at once.. after.. after what happened with Clayface.. it's Poison ivy telling Batman and Robin.. after that.. after Clayface.. her telling Batman and Robin.. if they don't leave the Park.. they will be executed.. killed.. executed.. by her.. at her authority.. over the Park... over the Park.. THAT was the Poison ivy I was going to play... and then you read issue #735.. and it was NOTHING like that.. not even in the same Milky Way Galaxy.. was that comic... issue #735... it's like Clayface wasn't.. even.. Matt.. Matt.. Matt.. Hagen.. in that comic.. in that comic.. he was a baby Chia-pet Clayface.. sob sob.. he was baby-Clayface in that comic.. in issue #735.. in issue #734.. he was baby Chia-pet Clayface.. in this issue.. he was just like a young teenage boy who Winona Ryder yelled at thru her open limousine window after he calle her a bitch because she refused him an autograph.. and what her what Winona Ryder's filthy, disgusting fans on the internet said about that young teenage boy.. HE is the baby-Clayface of issue #735.. and I know about the REAL Winona Ryder right when 'The Crucible' came out.. in Vogue Magazine being SO concerned to an agonizing degree about being nice to a crowd of autograph-seekers who were asking for her autograph within the walls of... a Holocaust Museum.. a Holocaust Museum.. a Holocaust Museum.. and I think about what Steve Martin is supposed to be like in Art Museums.. and... what if Winona Ryder should play the most horrific, terrifying, satanic Poison ivy in the 'Gotham' movies... since you read issue #735.. Hanno.. she could play.. substance and the shadow.. Hamlet.. I think.. Kate moss could be the substance-Poison ivy.. and Winona Ryder could be the shadow-Poison ivy.. in the 'Gotham' movies.. and that is a VALID change.. of original vision.. and that's.. authentic and legitimite.."...

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