
Monday, August 28, 2023

.. "Crimson Blaze".. is the official, quintessential, Violette le Duc- scale music of.. Hannibal Leach ('the other' 1st 'Ebert and Knowles'- Harry Knowles): ..".. Alexis (Michael "William Blake" Owen Rosenbaum).. it's.. it's this terrifying Artificial Intelligence software or hardware that I have.. I don't know where it is.. I really don't.. and.. this Artificial Intelligence software.. or-.. or hardware.. it's like.. I don't get it.. I don't get it, Alexis (Michael "William Blake" Owen Rosenbaum).. it's that.. an innocent character gets sent into a sadistic Hell in the comics.. and this innocent character was just-.. playing.. playing.. with the ideation of being.. a villain.. just playing.. playing.. with the conceptualization of being.. a villain.. in a comic called 'Power Pack'.. and then.. he's sent to Hell.. into a place that LOOKS like everything you've ever classically.. classically.. sorry.. heard about Hell.. about what Hell is.. classically.. sorry.. and.. just-... ahhhh... it's the comics.. it's what comics do with the classic concept of Hell.. it's-.. like I keep on thinking of what Frederick Wertham what he was really trying to say that got.. the title of that movie.. 'Lost in Translation'.. like what Frederick Wertham was actually trying to say was lost in translation.. and.. and.. it's how the comics.. Marvel comics.. amplify Hell.. this place called Hell.. and.. it's this up-and-coming journalist named Lois Lane (Victoria Hill).. she works for the Daily Planet.. and she's a nice person.. a decent person.. a good person.. in a complex way... and.. I know she's been told about this innocent character who was just-.. playing.. playing.. with the concept or idea of being.. a villain.. and he's sent to Hell.. and something.. beyond comprehension.. physically happens to him.. in Hell.. and.. and.. and.. and.. a police detective.. I know his first name.. it's Otis (Ned Beatty).. he's passionate about being Lois Lane's (Victoria Hill's) mentor and guide emotionally through her.. awareness.. of what happened to this innocent character.. in a 'Power Pack' comic book.. 'Power Pack' was Marvel.. and.. okay.. it's this software or hardware that I have which is Artificial Intelligence.. it's focused on something which I don't understand at all.. but I think this thing it's focused on is the punishment of innocence.. this Artificial Intelligence which I have.. Alexis (Michael "William Blake" Owen Rosenbaum).. I'm Intergang.. all of this.. is Intergang.. and.. I'm not even all that.. it's almost like.. it's-.. it's.. that I think this Artificial Intelligence software or hardware.. this I'm not sure I can call it Intergang technology.. but it taps into neurochemistry.. I'm not sure how.. but it may have some kind of grid across at least the population of North America.. at least.. at least.. of neurochemistry that.. okay.. that's really scary.. it's that.. I think the punishment of innocence is the frenzied obsession of this software or hardware Artificial Intelligence.. it's going to tap into neurochemistry.. I mean.. of Lois Lane (Victoria Hill).. and convince her that her destination is this Hell in 'Power Pack'.. that what happened to this innocent character in this comic called 'Power Pack'.. I don't know the name of this character.. of this comic book character.. ahh.. he become a supervillain called 'The Boogeyman'.. and.. what happened to him.. when he was sent to Hell.. something.. beyond physical comprehension.. this Artificial Intelligence software or hardware.. of mine.. Alexis (Michael "William Blake" Owen Rosenbaum).. it's mine.. all this Artificial Intelligence is mine.. it's going to convince her with medieval dungeon conviction that what happened to this innocent comic book character who was a supervillain called 'The Boogeyman'.. that this actually HAPPENS to her.. in the future.. what happened to him.. tapping into her neurochemistry.. into her.. Lois Lane's (Victoria Hill's) neurochemistry..".. .. in the inwards of the above URL.. watch?vivien = south-West-Cisa-64 Yoriba-Query question-8-Illuminati-Missiles .. and.. Retro-Destro guess-zatanna Bison-Sensory-Distant business-Bus corn-agent dust-Illuminati..

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