
Saturday, December 31, 2016

.. another issue of "Comics Cavalcade", written by William Marston junior...

Donna Troy: … “.... GOOOOOOOODD... MOOORRRNNING.. ALPHA CENTAURI..... we'r all radio-sonar in the depth depth inner-lining tube vectoring our boombox ears in the ADT EDTA and ipso facts und sadcontras.. we are all very, very sad people here in the distant reaches of outer space... it is very, very sad that we are all here... brought here all of us by yours truly wittle-me troia... so we are swapping places slot roles block-letter chairs like musical theory like a score music composition of Chopin we are all in gymnastic letter-trumperific a trumpet born of our siren death swan boo hoo hoo cygnet poor donna troia is a small cygnet.. a small blueberry bluebird cygnet is poor poor donna troia... and I was born out of honey-trumpet like a raspberry birth my birth out of a trumpet golden was.. like a golden dawn birth this birth of me wittle baby troia was... and it is like the beginning of a piana orchestral piana Chopin composition .. as if all his piana sonato's were somehow ORCHESTRAL compositions Chopins musical pieces / scores were.. scores are for movies right.. well I feel Chopin could have written music for movies.. and I've got a book of all the musical notation for many of Chopin's sonata's here.. and I'm reading it and re-reading it all this Chopin's musical notation to figure out how we're swapping roles and character-slots here in our circus conundrum kettle of of a Lewis Caroll locket here... I am a singsong baby troia out of a locket mirror … wo wo so where wo woe are we so hererererr.. swapping ourselves I for J and J fo r I... switching swapping ourselves by our keynote speaker of the da house our kryptonite keynote speaker is the pivot by which we swap our shtick character slot-roles from I to J or form form from forom from J to I... this is ada.. this is ada.. this is ada.. i'm speakin here..

Animal Man arrives:

Animal Man: .. I think you've brought a lot of my animals back to life.. troia.... like a pure John Cage animal life-giving symphony...

Donna Troy: .. boo hoo hoo.. oi ein eim tai pleasja animal-meister eckhard reinhardt man..

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