
Monday, September 18, 2017

The Society... scenes.. fragmented and holistic-Giganta and Society Lex 1.. scenes.. scenes between Giganta / Doris Zeul Zilpha Keaton and Ahania Blacksmith..

Giganta: ..”.. oh oh oy oy oi eim a muffin sound.. I can crumble away into heavy blakeian stardust flakes just like any muffin can good.. I am a good honourable muffin...”

Ahania Blacksmith: ..”.. I think you'd be absolutely marvelous and honourable to work with abused children, girls and boys.. Giganta..”

Giganta: ..”.. sniff.. that's so nice of you... Ahania.. I hope that of myself someday.. I have a Valentine children's-heart.. I heart I have like a sweet-a-box candy.. I have a heart like rock candy.. like a rock candy Valentine.. I have a ventricular soul of .. wait.. what did Mephistopheles say in Goethe's Faust Part.. one..?.. was it part one..?.. I am Doris Zeul and I have a heart like an old ancient leather-wallet..”

Black Canary – still a surprising addition to the right honourable Secret Society of Supervillains - ..: .. always.. fake leather... right..?.. Doris..?.. fake leather..?..”

Giganta: ..”.. always fake leather.. eternally fake leather.. oh NO!.. eternally!.. OH NO.. what did I say .. what did I say.. eternity is a word for the holy ghost .. the holy spirit.. oh NO!!..”

Ahania Blacksmith: .. “.. but you always say the right thing.. Giganta.. even for young Black Canary here..”

Black Canary: ..”.. I get younger a year of my life by every passing year.. and I think from now on I'm going to grow two years younger with each next subsequent year that passes..”

Talia al Ghul arrives in the room and she looks at Black Canary compassionately..

Black Canary: ..”.. yeth .. I'm in terms of my personal mutant-paranormal aging-factor.. or rather in my supranuatural aging-factor.. I'm like a comic book that comes out once every two months..”


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