In the Daily Planet offices..
Clark Kent (Brandon Routh) : .. ".. what are you reading, Lois..?.."..
Lois Lane (Victoria Hill) :...".. I'm reading about Colonel Theodor Rowehl.. he did photographic air reconaissance for the Germans during World War II.. he organized a whole group of planes and pilots to take photographs of terrain.. I think.. oh.. in Poland.. the controversy was that Hitler.. oh.. he'd arranged non-agression German-Polish pact.. I think.. in 1934.. I think the polish-german pact was in 1934.. so Theodor Rowehl taking air reconaissance photographs from a plane or any of his agents doing that of areas regions in Poland violated that pact..."
Perry White (George Clooney) :.. ".. fascinating .. Lois.. just.. fascinating.. you study a lot of the events which lead up to .. World War II.. don't you .. Lois.. "
Clark Kent: ..".. I'll never forget those words in Herman Woulk's epic novel "The Winds of War".. when a polish man wakes up.. Natalie or .. my counterpart person in the book.. with these words.. "Dey comink".. the Germans.. he means the invasion of Poland by Germany in 1939.. it was one of the very first books I borrowed from the Central Library.."..
Lois Lane: ..".. oh.. ohhhh... ohhh.. libraries.. sorry Clark.."
Clark Kent:...".. yeah.. libraries.. I took out at least I think fifty maybe a hundred or more books at a time from the library.. I was trying to build a research net to write maybe a Great American Novel incorporating every single one of the hundreds of books which I borrowed from the library.. and instead.. the net was being worked around me..."
Lois Lane: ..".. oh.. oh.. oh..."
Perry White (George Clooney) : ..".. we have a massive library here at the Planet.. Clark.. but it's .. it's different.. here.. for someone like you who's an employee here.. or Lois.. it's like being a university professor and having access to the books at a university library.. an old fashioned classical university library.. you never have to return any of the books.. that's the rule and mandate at these libraries.. at the Daily Planet library.. and you can take out as many as you want.. hundreds of them.. if you wish.. and you don't have return any of them.. like.. ever.. we have what I call a real library here at the Planet.."
Lois Lane:..".. thanks.. Perry.. maybe.. I dunno.. I'll.. for now.. I guess I'll stick to buying my research books at the used books store.. sorry.. Perry.. thanks..."
Clark Kent: ..".. I might take you up on your offer.. Perry.. at some time.. thanks.. I buy a lot of books from the dollar section of used-books store.. that's my specialty.."
Lois Lane: ..".. oh.. yeah.. I'm.. I'm glad .. you do that.. Clark.. the dollar-section,.. always... scared me.. the books I'd find their.."
Jimmy Olsen (David Bursztein) :..".. Lois.. I'm going to help you with your note-taking.. I mean... you can say .. anything.. see.. here.. I just wrote.. in my notebook.. Rowehl does air Reconaissance in W W two germany... controversy with Poland.. violation of German-Polish peace treaty.. 1934.. that is, taking photographs of polish territory constitutes peace treaty violation.. I'm recording it, Lois, I'm recording it..."
scene for Spielberg-directed, "Superman: man of steel: chapter one".. written by Hanno Ridal Raudsepp..
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