
Friday, January 5, 2018

Megan Gale / Diana of Themiscyra in "Wonder Woman 8; Amazons Attack, volume 1; Synarchy"... directed by Tammy Schoon....

Nude Diana (Megan Gale): .."... I bring computer nano-tech B-13 Braniac-13 Synarchy to the twenty-second century... I am making plans a century ahead-of-schedule... no time to lose.. it's like software Just-in-time scheduling planning for the next century.. to make an ada software hash and heap and quicksort of the next century... I should really be thinking a thousand years ahead of schedule, instead of a mere piddling-faddle single century ahead of schedule.. that's software scheduling for ya.. it's like.. okay.. Y2k happened at the turn of the twenty-first century.. that's reality... so I'm planning for Y3k at the turn of the twenty-second century... Y2k was computer-jacked into all the quantum-physics and Einstein theory of relativity experimentation scientific institutes.. Y2k had UPS cables connected to the computer terminals that literally had little minuture black holes built into themselves.. Y2k connected thru the simplest physical wire-networks to computer terminals that were within their CPU's... imen .. the CPU's of these computer terminals were petri dishes... were cell-cultures.. also of crystal cell-cultures and maybe even nanotechnology cell-cultures... all of this was in the CPU of a computer terminal that was involved with investigation and research into quantum physics.. so that's what Y2k was computer-jacked into at the turn of the twenty-first century.. so what similar course of action can I, Diana of Themiscyra, plot in respect to the twenty-second century..."...

monologue for Megan Gale's Diana of Themiscyra written by Hanno Ridal Raudsepp.. aka William Mackenzie...

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