
Sunday, January 7, 2018

Zack hemsey's "Waiting between worlds" is the Giganta theme at the end of "Superman; man of steel; chapter four; Villains United", directed by Oliver Stone.. at the near-end of which movie... Doris Zeul, young Doris Zeul, played by Angelina Jolie, is with Society Lex 1 / Ahania Blacksmith.. in the fields and desert .. and she enlarges.. and seh starts walking off.. into the forest "First Blood / John Rambo" wilderness... to find a cottage by a crop of fields that grows potatoes or a cottage by a lake.. to grow older their until she is .. Sascha .. Renzcha .. Montgomery.. the same exact woman, the same exact person, as the young angelina jolie Doris Zeul.. as an older woman.. as Sascha Renzscha.. as actress / expert-poledancer Sascha Renzscha... growing older now in a cottage by a lake or by a huge, huge garden-field-crop in which potatoes and radishes are grown.. with a Ralph Bakshi like-forest behind the cottage.. a cottage in a place, a town, perhaps.. called.. "Alexandria".. in Canada.. in .. in Canada... here is the music that plays during this sequence at the end of Oliver Stone's "Superman; man of steel; chapter four; Villains United"... ".. hey.. HEY!!.. you're not Giganta.. what makes you think.. what makes you think you're Giganta, Doris Zeul.. Giganta's huge, a lot bigger than you, Doris..."..

and then.. this scene happens in the same movie.. the "Villains United" chapter of "Superman; man of steel" .. chapter four.. leading to issue #4 of the All-new Atom..

... it's just like the famous scene in "Lawrence of Arabia", expertly described by Roger Ebert in his review of that movie, .. of a long, long, long, long, long shot of an empty desert landscape... which.. in Roger Ebert's words.. "reluctantly, relinquishes a dot.. a person .. T.E. Lawrence coming with the man he saved.. the man who'd been accidently left behind.. far, far behind.. who T.E. Lawrence walked, walked, walked, walked, walked back to find.... ".. actually, I'm drastically, drastically paraphrasing Roger Ebert's review of David Lean's "Lawrence of Arabia".. here.. (.. the horror happens.. the same man who's life he saves.. who's life T.E. Lawrence saves.. is the man he finds himself in the position of executing later on by shooting him with a pistol.. in the desert.. ".. their was a review .. a powerful review of Lawrence of Arabia on the internet.. which said that every accomplishment of T.E. Lawrence in the movie was totally negated and erased by a future action of his... bringing his.. karma?.. balance back to .. zero.. to zero..)..

  .. the analogous shot at the very end of "Superman; man of steel; chapter four; Villains United", directed by Oliver Stone.. is after the scene of Giganta walking off into the John Rambo forest wilderness.. it's a scene of a landscape with invisible specks of light in the distance.. which.. "reluctantly (Roger Ebert).. gradually, gradually, gradually.. disclose themselves to be a full army of Supervillains.. until they are in the very foreground of the shot.. perhaps a full, single ten minute shot this shot of the Supervillains could be.. with Lex Luthor (Michael Rosenbaum) in his Bronze Age pre-crisis Armoured costume in the centre... and the Joker (Tom McCamus) in his purple, John-Constantine trenchcoat to the right of him I think.. to overlap exactly with the corresponding cover of a late issue of the mid-'80's comic book series, "Crisis of Infinite Earths".. a cover that showcased a whole panorama of Supervillains on the cover.. this is the music that plays during this ten-minute single shot.. which perhaps Geoffrey Wright and Bernard Rose could help Oliver Stone with.. this is the music that plays during this ten-minute shot... "Kenji.... Ghost in the Shell.. Cyborg.. soundtrack..."...

... and...

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