
Monday, May 28, 2018

.. eagle-woman is a woman named.. "Jumane Yemen"...

Jumane Yemen (Hillary Swank):.. ".. perhaps the sense of the nobility of eagles is.. misplaced.. but that may have ended a long long time ago.. now only this absolute, abject terror invested in the faces of eagles is all they are meant to offer .. society.. perhaps that is why I fled for my dear bare bre'er lives for The Society of Supervillains.. but I had such pomp and circumstance for the Turkish Wars of Othello in my soul.. that I keep on forgetting that it's meant to be a SECRET society of Supervillains.... is the honour the Roman honour of eagles invested in something so public about their personal sense and sculptural bombast of personal pride in self.. that is so antithetical to anything that is private and secret.. of COURSE.. the S - S - S - .. SECRET society of Supervillains MUST be kept in absolute privacy.. and I must.. respect that.. respect.. I must feel the thinnest, most Jamesian membrane-boundaries of respect dividing the very cytoskeleton of my consciousness and soul.. the very inward membrane walls of my cellular soul must be composed of the very cytoskeletic texture of .. respect.. for eagle's must symbolize respect more than they symbolize anything else.. for they are American in a way that perhaps precedes the Native .. ahh.. Americans.. I mean.. eagle's may be American in a way that precedes the arrival of the Native Americans to our continent.. for.. who knows.. perhaps the Native Americans could be written about by Thomas Paine someday as arriving to North America in no different a fashion than William the Conqueror took avowed pride in conquest.. in Europe.. I know what my destiny damnable and forsaken and my hopeless, pathetic soul is my hopeless, pathetic destiny.. it is my iron-gated personal destiny to become the female Oliver Cromwell.. when it would be such my own precious personal preference to be Thomas Cromwell instead.. for it was Thomas Cromwell who gave generously to the poor and homeless who crowded around his large house during the English Reformation.. yes.. that kind of Cromwell.. I would just love to be... sorry Oliver.. I'm sure you meant well..."

.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3.. paul dini / joe Benitez pamela isley poison ivy.. $3.. $222... $33...$22..$11.. endogenous and exogenous variables.. The Greek Goddess Artemis Goddess of embryo's in the womb with schizophrenia and Goddess Artemis of the compassionate, pacifistic, non-violent Hunt.. a Nightmare Womb of Artemis to whom her eyes will never shut, like the eyes of an Owl.. endogenous and exogenous variables.. $11... $10.. Apollo The Greek God of Law, Legality and Legal Medicine.. Gauss-Markov Theorum..  $10.. $5.. Cobb-Douglas Function.. Simone Bianchi / Niel Gaiman / Dave McKean Poison ivy is Monica Bellucci / Angelina Jolie alike.. Cobb-Douglas Function.. $5... Pre-crisis Riddler mysterious labyrinth of Ted Kord.. $6.. explanatory and dependant variables.. $6....

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