
Saturday, May 26, 2018

Hanno Jason Leigh is Daredevil and Victoria Hill is Typhoid Mary in "Daredevil- the man without fear 6; the Death of Daredevil", directed by Steven Spielberg and Jacques Rivette...

Typhoid Mary:.. ".. I waited.. for a role that was promised to me.. for I was an actress.. and the role never came to me.. and no one.. fought harder for me to acquire that role than you .. Matt Murdock.. and Richard Fisk.. and my the inward pine-cone abyss of my physiology and soul is convinced that.. failure happened with me acquiring this role.. with which I would rescue young boys from sexual slave camps.. the role with which I would rescue young, little boys from sexual enslavement at the hands of women.. of adult, predatory women.. it was the role.. it was the role... it was the role.. with which I ... would.. do that.. and no one fought harder for me to be granted that role.. than you.. Daredevil.. and the Rose.. a man who makes no secret of the fact that he's Richard Fisk.. and .. Matt.. I think all three of us.. failed.. but that failure was mine alone to bear the truth of .. the failure of my .. having that role that would rescue innocent young little boys from sexual torture.. and perhaps.. even if I didn't get that role.. if only.. you might no longer be alone.. Daredevil.. so completely utterly lonely and alone, Daredevil.. if only that would end.. and some friends of yours would come to meet you and have conversations with you in Tim Horton's Coffee shops, conversations taht would last many, many, many hours long.. in the same coffee shop.. in a single.. coffee shop.... then.. I would be a happy woman.. and the role.. somehow.. would matter so much less to me.. but your friends... Daredevil.. Matt.. not a single one of them.. arrived.. and so.. Daredevil.. I .. Typhoid Mary am going to commit suicide soon.. and that suicide will incorporate you inside it Daredevil.. the man who loves me.. the man who loves me.. and the two of us will fall off the bridge together..."...

monologue for Victoria Hill written by prospective screenwriter.. Hanno Jason Leigh.. for "Daredevil; the man without fear 6- the Death of Daredevil", directed by Steven Spielberg and Jacques Rivette...

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