
Friday, January 31, 2020

Twelve Titans Music - Lift your eyes.. the music of.. the truly magnificent.. G. Willow Wilson Cheetah....

Twelve Titans Music - Lift your eyes.. is also the music of...

Perry White (George Clooney):..".. it's that.. when the sadistic, satanic butchering of that man's body happened.. in Julie Doucet's "Dirty Plotte".. by a woman.. I can't explain it.. their was no expression on his face... I'm forseeing an era.. perhaps Gail Simone has forseen it too.. when this sadistic butchering happens to women's bodies in comic books.. but their's fear.. or absolute terror on these women's faces.. it's almost like.. in the news.. the frightened female victim.. in the news.. the frightened female victim.. and it's just.. with these female characters who's bodies are equally sadistically butchered.. as this man's in "Dirty Plotte"... and their's terror in their faces.. and they may even be.. be crying.. weeping.. when this happens to their bodies.. it's that these women are not allowed to be seen as victims their's a terrible context in this comic where it's like.. I know it seems unbelievable to say this .. but that the sadistic butchering of these women's bodies.. of these terrified, crying women.. it is done in the name.. of Justice.. of Punishment.. of what is described.. as.. as.. as Just Punishment.. and these women are not given any right of being victims.. innocent victims.. innocent victims.. innocent victims.. and maybe Gail Simone's famous website was about .. was all about a prophecy of this happening in the future in DC and Marvel comics.. that's what that website was.. a prophecy.. a.. a prediction.. of the mass genocide of women.. of female characters .. in DC and Marvel comics.. I think of that man who was sadistically butchered in "Dirty Plotte".. and their was no expression on his face.. no expression at all... no crying.. no terror.. no expression at all.. on his face.. "...

actor Harvey Keitel:..".. Jezebel Jet (Megan Gale).. can I even say this.. can I even .. say this.. that I'm being punished.. I mean I see these images these hallucinations of myself in the air where I'm smiling and giving the thumbs up sign.. but that's a false image.. that image is not the truth at all.. their is nothing happy or triumphant about these hallucination-images of me.. it's that I know deeply I know... I am being punished.. for having made a movie.. like 'Bad Lieutenant'... Jezebel Jet (Megan Gale).. I'm talking to you right now after Perry White (George Clooney) talked about a sadistically butchered man in "Dirty Plotte".. but.. when I saw that decapitated head of Jezebel Jet in comic book panel images on the internet.. and her eyes .. she was dead .. decapitated.. Jezebel Jet was.. dead.. she was.. decapitated.. and their was abject fear in her eyes.. in her eyes when Batman found her decapitated head.. but in front of her head.. their were.. bones.. criss-crossed bones... laid out in front of her... I'm talking so quickly and heartlessly about the monstrous, satanic, horrific death of Jezebel Jet in the comics.. were those her bones.. laid out in front of her head.. her bones.. ?.. her bones.. ?... "...

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