
Monday, October 31, 2016

How about a MASH remake where the Sally Kellerman character is the inside agent / inside woman / insider with some truly gentle, kind, compassionate doctors in a military camp this time around.. Sally Kellerman is the inside woman with some, with a whole teeming mass of cascades of viciously mean, severely cruel officious women of authority in the military camp, Sally Kellerman character is the insider / the inside woman / agent who infiltrates their ranks and "pretends" to be one of them when the doctors, in impeccable Benedict Cumberbatch style, are trying to do urgent, calm tho inner-panic stricken for many decent military personnel..

.. the doctors at the MASH military camp have to utilize all their knowledge of dialectical protocol-speak and verbal diplomacy to be decent, compassionate doctors at the military camp and one of their best friends, very best friends, Sally Kellerman, wants to help them.. so she does her funny thing she does and infiltrates the camps / ranks of some truly vicious, deeply cruel military officious women who would be like the American female military at an Afghani prisoner's camp, those kind of officious, viciously mean women.. Sally Kellerman only feels compassion and decency for Afghani or Korean prisoners-of-war.. and she is hell-bent, devil-bent, devil-bane bent on playing her part, on "pretending" on "being" one of the officious military women, every single one of them, except for her, Sally Kellerman, except for her, every single one of these officious, military camp women insist on how clothed they are, out of respect... in respect to their professionalism.. they are professional, military women and Sally Kellerman is .. sorta.. one of them..

inkenstink medusa .. zoom medusa zu Winona Ryder und zu Sally Bird... und zu Sally Kellerman...

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