
Monday, October 31, 2016

I'm going to write every single Stan Lee Uncanny X-men storyline of every single Stan Lee issue into my Uncanny X-men 1.. screenplay.. Havok and Rogue don't arrive 'till much much later, when the two characters are invented by Chris Claremont.. who arrives after Stan Lee and Len Wein.. Len Wein invents Wolverine / Logan..

… Magneto: ..”.. it is a death-dealing march for the beginning of a war for mutant-rights even if we must rely on Nazi methods to win mutant-rights.. for the Nazi's believed in mutant hygiene.. the Nazi's believed in racial hygiene and mutants are the next step in the evolution of racial hygiene.. the genome must be buried .. the genome must be buried... in other words, purified of humanity.. for humanity has so polluted the human genome.. humanity has so ungratefully poluted the human genome that the human genome had to mutate.. to MUTATE.. the human genome had to miraculously invent a virus.. a genetic virus.. the mutant virus.. to cleanse.. to CLEANSE the human genome of all filthy taint of humanity.. for humanity is filth.. and the human genome must be purified and cleansed of humanity... and this is racial hygiene.. and this is what the Nazi's believed.. and in this one respect at least I agree with the Nazi's... and evolution can only happen by virus's introduced into the genome.. and this latest virus, the mutant virus.. is a pure miracle of racial hygiene.. it is a course in miracles, this mutant virus.. and I mean to be the champion of this mutant virus.. of which I am a modest product of.. I am a humble product of the mutant virus.. - ahh.. an interruption –-

… Senator Walker is speaking suddenly on the overhanging television attached to the wall / ceiling..

Senator Walker: - on the TV - .. ahh.. so the expert has arrived.. ahh.. i'm not the expert on mutant problems.. I've.. I've arrived.. and .. and... I have a few words on the subject.. wait..

.. Senator Walker disappears from the television set..

Magneto: ..”.. whatever would have happened from this .. this interruption.. I was ready to incorporate it into a constructive situational context.. Everything happens for a reason nowadays.. ah.. for now that's the case with us.. with me.. hopefully with us...

Scarlet Witch: ..”.. I was scared when the television suddenly turned on...”

Magneto: ..”.. yes.. like an unexpected guest at the door.... it happens a lot in life..”

Quicksilver: ..”.. an interruption always builds the bulwarks of my resistance against any anti-mutant agenda..”

Magneto: ..”.. so .. we have begun our .. our.. “Brotherhood of.. heh.. of.. Evil Mutants”.. Mutants named after the Goddess Eve.. after the Biblical Goddess Eve.. I always believed the word “Evil”.. a helpful word that has contributed much to civilized civilization.. came from the word.. from the name of .. “Eve”.. from the Bible..

Quicksilver: ..”.. I feel we are building the book of Genesis..”

Scarlet Witch: ..”.. or the temple of Solomon..”

Toad: ..”...'till the end my friend..”..

scene for Scorcese's “The Uncanny X-men 1”.. written by.. maybe.. Brian Michael Bendis – 3 .. or some other Brian Michael Bendis?...

This is Stan Lee's Magneto.. played by Daniel Day Lewis in Scorcese's “The Uncanny X-men”...

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