
Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Superman and Barbara Minerva in Spielberg's "Superman; man of steel; chapter four" or "Superman; man of steel; chapter five"...

Superman: ..".. you showed me how to be a hero .. Barbara Minerva.. you utilized your vast resevoirs of personal responsibility to fight mass chemical warfare.. your prodigious resources of will of personal will.. you used your own powerful will to harness almost telluric currents of the earth themselves against massive chemical warfare.. against ABT's.. Barbara Minerva.. against air-borne tranquilizers.. something like an operation scorched earth in Yemen against the whole entirety of the armed forces of America and against Hollywood producers and celebrities likewise.. and only with a guilt as powerful as the guilt I Superman feel for allowing the death of my home planet of Krypton only with a guilt as powerful as that guilt the guilt I Superman feel over the death of Krypton did you Barbara Minerva feel an equal reservoir of guilt will-power to combat tooth and nail the forces of chemical warfare in the guise of ABT's.. air-borne tranquilizers.. Barbara Minerva.. i want to gravely apologize for my jingo-kitsch.. for my jingo-schtick that is so characteristic of Superman myself my selfsame Superman self.. for I think I'm very much by my off-the-cuff lightweight demeanour and attitude I'm making light of something very serious.. your guilt.. your powerful, overwhelming, deeply painful to you, your deeply painful guilt, Barbara Minerva, for something that wasn't your fault at all whatsoever.. the tranquilizing effect the sedation the fatigue that we all were feeling .. you weren't causing this fatigue in us.. in any of us.. in a single one of the hundreds of us you weren't at all causing ANY of the fatigue in a single one of us... not one ioto.. it was spores... tranquilizer spores which were a massive chemical warfare coming from .. well.. God know's where.. but it's a God's-honest-invasion... of America.. that Janice Stein so rightly said had NOTHING whatsover to do with the attack on the twin towers.."

Barbara Minerva: ..".. heheheheh.. thanks.. Superman.. uh.. can I have an autograph.. heheheh.."

Superman: ..".. sure thing .. Barbara Minerva.. you earned it.."

Angelina Jolie: Barbara Minerva

Brandon Routh / "Christopher Reeve (?).. if he can still be alive..?... : Superman...

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