
Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Adam Verver.. in "Teh Golden Bowl", a novel written by Hanno Ridal Raudsepp...

Adam Verver said, "But you don't know what it is when the word "habit" starts to apply itself to a human being.. what a horrible feeling the word "habit" is to have within yourself.. I don't think you're supposed to be privy to such dread realities, little dear Maggie.. my father .. he felt this word .. this IDEA.. of "habit" like it had formed the very backbone of his consciousness.."

Maggie Verver.. ".. I think clinical depression is a habit that has formed the backbone of my consciousness.. ".. gently retorted Maggie..

Adam Verver.. ".. perhaps.. you can understand him then, my father.. his clinical depression was such an emotional seeping pain inside him.. like the veriest sap.. and it was that devil, "habit"... perhaps verily what happens.. what I mean .. what Hamlet means as a synonym for his word.. ".. that devil, custom..".. Hamlet calls "habit".. "custom".. "

".. Ahh...!.. ".. popped out of Maggie's pert, dollup-mouth..

Adam Verver said..".. it's like.. it was "habit"... that prevented my father from being able to SPEAK.. to hold logical conversations.. it was "habit" that devil, habit, that barred my father from common, civil sense.. he couldn't talk logically but perhaps in the most craven, invisible secrecy .. he .. he .. COULD.. think.. logically.. and he planned... he planned secretly, invisibly, for my future.. like leaving puzzle-pieces around the house for a young, slipshod beautiful girl to put together into a grand piano masterpiece of a woodland puzzle.. it's like.. my father.. he planned in terms of time. of TIMING.. my father was a master-timer.. perhaps yes verily he counted by the very seconds of the passing day.. and it was by seconds that he planned my future.."

Maggie Verver said beautifully.. ".. and mine.. and verily mine... it is an easy sofa cushion future for both of us then to make a marriage-bed for myself and my father to share with my husband of the Byzantine city of the Other Rome.."

Adam Verver said..".. your husband.. he is an original.. he once told you .. you said.. that I .. poor I was the best man he had ever met in his life.. but he.. the Prince.. is a Class Act .. he is Edwardian Rome.. he brings Byzantinian Rome to Edwardian poor Europe.. we will remake America together.. he and I.. and you..  Maggie.. and you.."

Maggie Verver said.. ".. and Charlotte Constant..."

Adam Verver said.. ".. ahh.. Charlotte.. their will be Charlotte all around.."...

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