
Friday, November 24, 2017

Jessica Drew is Spider-woman is played by Winona Ryder in the movie, "Jessica Drew; Spider-Woman"...

Jessica Drew: ..".. a truminey winkuttek... I am a weelbarrow incarnate carrying myself so soil mud grime inside my visceral inward soil of my inward neurochemistry like my very belly sound sonar belly mine had a neurochemistry netz network labyrinth of sensation that wuz my iktomi spider-powers mystical of Matila Ghyka's mystic number theory.. O O O cjeerly cheerfully invented a number theory of my own of the mystical fifth tonic..?... varient variation.. where two is the number of Gothic mystique mysticism.. where teh number two means everything that is grave and inwardly intense in nature.. everything that is stone arches of mediaevel citadels is the mystical number "2".. everything that is mediaeval and pre-Arthurian is the mystical number "2".. for the mystic number "2' is the mystic number of a hidden, veiled, unknown Renaissance.. perhaps hidden within the parallel reality oil swirlings of the Dark Ages of which I know way too little.. the mystical number "3".. sorry.. gettin' ahead of meself here... still have way more to say about the mysticali number "2".. it's that the number "3".. the mystical number "3" is the purest, most distilled, most perfected mixture of the mythological principles of villain and hero... the mystical number "3" means teh perfect mixture of villain and hero into a single identity and public status in the twentieth century.. it is by the mystical number "3" that my frail  hemp form fragile tender my little body is and it my fragile tender body is burnt alive to a cinder and to pitch-soi-wet-grime-autumn-leave-ashes and smoke and pitch-mist into finally the ashes of mist black of summer sunspots and it is all of the aforementioned just now taht is the very substance that I Jessica Drew Spider-woman become transfigured into by the mystical qualities and properties of the mystical number "3".. I honestly believe with fully, heartful convicioon witth my oothoon heart Valentine Oothoon heart righteous and frail inward labyrinth of my heart conviction I believe that the mystical number "3' is the mystical number of the Inquistion against the Cathar in the .. 1200's.. or 1300's..?.. or was it in the very 1000's.. themselves.. that the Inquisition agasint the Cathars of the mystical number "3' took place. not sure.. not sure.. it is the mystical number "4" .. sorry.. still have much much more to say about the mystical number "3'. .with apologies to the mystical number "4'.. it is the mystic number "4' that is the the mystical number of organic chemistry.. that is the mystic number of teh organic fold in nature and reality.. the mystic number "4" is the mystical number of all grey colours.. for grey is a weaving colour.. all colours weave into grey.. and it is all teh weaving winds and airs and atmospheres and environments of nature that are the weaving mystery-waves and mystery-ways of the mystic number "4'.. the mystic number "4" is the mystic number by which my belly folds into itself and craves its inward crumbling muffin-sensation inward aching an inward aching number is teh mystical number of "4".. the mystical number of "5' is the mystic number of my Jessica Drew my nude body as the most marble white-marble sculpture mixed into shades and shades and ever-more perfect tints and shades of blackness and delicate greys.. it is my cubistic self-cubistic self-trigonometry selfsame jessica drew self that is the grey-black mystic number of "5'.. for "5" is the mystical number of all trigonometry and of all precise, razor-sensatoin precise angles.. "fife fife fife "five" is the number of precision of thought and acuity of the grain of coffee-taste to the mind.. more more more mystic number theory from the self-invented mind-weavery of Jessica Drew Spider-woman .. should come.. later.."

Jessica Drew Spider-woman monologue written by Hanno Ridal Raudsepp aka.. prospective novelist William Mackenzie.. for Stan Lee and for Winona Horowitz Ryder to speak in teh movie.. directed by both Geoffrey Wright and Lars Van Tiers, "Jessica Drew; Spider Woman".. starring  Winona Horowitz Ryder as Jessica Drew.....

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