
Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Loki Macbeth is Hanno Ridal Raudsepp...

Loki Macbeth (Hanno Ridal Raudsepp) : ..".. the grey weaving similitude of a feeling a very feeling of death in my soul seeks the gratification of great light great cubistic light of my very soul ingrained itself.. my soul seeks to.. to BE light.. and only light.. when it feels itself teh very grainy thick substance of oily death.. and this self a selfsame death of my very soul in which I seek the aching pain of a sweet mellow pond of spring cold seemings.. a seeming cold pond is the painful death of my soul which seeks to be a warm mellow spring summer pond of light not darkness of death.. this is the cubism of my soul... to seek very angles of light and very angles of pond.. to seek the light of my seeking light aching light of my soul to seek angles of identity and to seek angles of gender organism selfhood.. to seek teh very selfhood of my gendered soul a dualistic gender has my soul both a male and trigonometry female gender of my soul.. for my male self is the very trigonometry of my female self and I am Loki Macbeth.. and my true cross-roads of my male self and at orthogonical, rectilinear, perpendicular angle to this male self is my female self at a right-angle cross-roads the two my male and female self at a 90 degree angle to each other... and then at a 45 degree angle.. and then at a 90 degree angle.. all these angles of my female male duality of soul and consciousness seeping like an archipelago of rivers into my the very-sensation-labyrinth of my physiology consciousness until the female and the male in me be so well comixed taht I am a mixture of souls male and female and I am the true grey weaving colour Loki Macbeth weaving my way into grey regions of castles dusk into the land of the Giants from whence I originally came into the land of .. Utgard-Loki.. of Frost-Giant Utgard-Loki..."...

monologue for Loki Macbeth written by Hanno Ridal Raudsepp for my novel, "Poison in the soul". a novel about Greek, Norse, Canaanite, and Babylonian mythology.. and with also modern-day sections in the novel taking place in the modern day..

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