
Friday, November 24, 2017

The Music of Kathy Kane / Batwoman and Alexandria Nell / Giganta-3....

Alexandria Nell / Giganta-3: ..".. he is.. justin moore... is.. he is.. justin moore is.. is.. is my younger brother... his full.. name.. is .. Justine Nell Moore..  imen.. justin nell moore.. his full name is justin nell moore.. Justin Nell Moore... I am named for my mother's side of the family.. and I got my powers from the fairy-tale planet of mars.. for their is another planet called mars .. Kathy.. than the planet that Martian Manhunter hails fro.. from.. it is the planet called mars that is named.. that begins with a lower case "m".. the planet called mars with a lower case "m".. I mean the name of the planet called "mars" .. is .. sorry..  is spelled with lower-case "m".. and I believe the planet of the Martian Manhunter.. the green planet.. like his name... like his name.. is spelt with an upper-case "M"... the green.. sorry real sorry... the green planet called Mars is spelled with an upper-case "M"..."

Kathy Kane / Batwoman: ..".. I think my soul is in agonies of blissfull blizzard seizure for this red pink dust planet called mars.."..

Alexandria Nell: ..".. ahh.. Kathy.. I told you it is a pink fairy tale dust planet.. oh .. wait.. did.. I .. or did you magically read my mind... Kathy Candy-cane.. kathy candy-cain.."

Kathy Kane: ..".. tee hhheee... heee... I rather .. like that.. it tickles my fancy.. kathy candy cain.. kathy kandy kane.. kathy candy abel.. kathy candy abel..."

Alexandria Nell: .."... ahh.. it is I who am abel... I am the tender, fragile soul abel.. poor poor abel... boo hoo hoo..."

Kathy Kane / Batwoman: ..".. poor poor abel,. boo hoo hoo.. AUGHHH!!... I .. I am abel.. I .. havassSSTTT.. to be abel.."

Alexandria Nell: .. - wisely -.. ".. I believe teh man we are thinking of is Abel's black-bearded grandfather, also named Abel.. he had a stutter but he was very good, he was abel the good, was Abel's black-bearded grandfather.. and he tried to dissuade his grandson abel from slaughtering an innocent lamb to sacrifice to God.. abel's grandfather the black-bearded Abel said instead.. why not offer a fluffy, innocent lamb as your friend and guest to God in a gesture of good courtesy.. and God willl be much happier having been offered a non-sacrificed,  living lamb.. who is cute and fluffy and white as snow or perhaps white as dirty snow.. for the fleece of lamb does get white like dirty snow.. and then you can bring the lamb who's fleece is white as snow or as dirty snow home after giving it to God and adopt this lamb as a pet... and his grandson abel said it SHOULD be as you say for you are my grandfather abel senior... you are my grandfather abel the senior and it should go exactly as you have directed this affair with God.. and I would as your grandson abel the junior take your aforementioned words as a command to my very heart and soul.. but I shall enter a bloody, savage, brutal, violent age before that happens.. and your gentle Command.. good black-bearded abel the senior.. shall go unheeded by your dread grandson.. abel the junior.."...

scene between Kathy Kane / Batwoman and Alexandria Nell, the Giganta of Earth 3.. written by Hanno Ridal Raudsepp.. aka William Mackenzie.. copyright William Mackenzie...?... with grave apologies for the copyright notice..

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