
Saturday, November 18, 2017

Tom Hiddleton is "Horatio Keyes" in Francis Ford Copolla's "Superman" movie..

Horatio Keyes (Tom Hiddleton) :..".. it's.. a key.. and I coined an imaginary expression.. an expression.. a verbal expression that doesn't exist.. to denote.. to describe this key.. that expression is... "a rape-kit".. I made up a word, an expression.. I called the key.. ".. a rape-kit".. to the deeply troubled, deeply dismaying woman who had given it to me.. the key.. the key had a message attached to it.. written in plastic.. it was a vile message, an unspeakable message, it was sexual harassment, the message written on the key, on the plastic connected linked to the key.. I was enraged, furious.. I threw away the key.. for that I was handcuffed by some police officers.. police officers I can only call.. scum.. true scum of the earth.. for they arrested and handcuffed me instead of the woman who had given me a key with a sexually harrassing message attached to it... I am Horatio Keyes.."...

script monologue for Tom Hiddleton written by the man formerly known as Scott Snyder.. aka Scott Snyder II...

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