
Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Maybe this music.. by composer Rok Yardin... can be the opening main title music for "Daredevil; the man without fear 2; the food web of Hell's Kitchen", directed by Scorcese and Geoffrey Wright.. and "Daredevil the man without fear 2, 3, and 4".. collectively directed by Scorcese, Geoffrey Wright, Bernard Rose, Jacques Rivette, and Philip Kauffman for the fourth movie.. these three movie's can be the "Doctor Paul Horan" trilogy... and the very first "Daredevil; the man without fear" movie that Scorcese started filming.. the pure horror of the treatment of Brianne.. Victoria Hill .. Typhoid Mary.. and the other Victoria Hill's.. like Victoria Hill-41 years.. old.. and poor, poor.. 27-year old or much, much younger than 27-year old Victoria Hill aka Victoria Hill-2.. that movie.. taht was going to be the very first... Scorcese-directed "Daredevil; the man without fear" movie.. can be "Daredevil; the man without fear 2; the food web of Hell's Kitchen", directed by Scorcese and Geoffrey Wright.. and then next two movie's.. the third and fourth movie's.. the third co-directed by Bernard Rose and Jacques Rivette.. and the fourth co-directed by Scorcese and Philip Kauffman.. can be the two "Daredevil; the man without fear" movie's that focus on the horror that happened with Doctor Paul Horan.. very much documentaries these last two Daredevil the man without fear movie's.. teh opening main-credits music to the horror of the abuse of the Victoria Hill's and Brianne(s)... "Daredevil; the man without fear 2; the food web of Hell's Kitchen", directed by Scorcese and Geoffrey Wright.. teh opening main-credits music to this movie can be the below audio-clip YouTube URL....

.. and also teh below audio-clip YouTube URL .. both music of both URL's.. for composers Hans Zimmer and Junkie XL.. teh composers of the Soundtrack for "Daredevil; the man without fear 2; the food web of Hell's Kitchen", directed by Scorcese and Geoffrey Wright.. and also.. the same music of the two URL's .. here.. for composers Hans Zimmer and Junkie XL.. for the third and fourth... Daredevil; teh man without fear movie's.. for directors.. Bernard Rose, Jacques Rivette, Scorcese, and Philip Kauffman...

 ... contact the original composers.. is that .. possible..?...

... and ".. Dragon's Den..".. composed by Dirk ehlert...

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