
Wednesday, January 22, 2020

... Alan Moore... he's teh the comic book character in the pirate comic book.. the character about whom the Newspaper Vendor.. (.. Bruce Willis..?.. -.. Bruce Willis..?..).. the newspaper vendor says ... in a brilliant... tangential.. (.. serendipitious.... spelled.. inaccurately..?..)... the newsvendor says.. tangentially... obliquely.. about the hero of this pirate comic book.. which the Flava Flave character is reading.. this character.. the hero... the newsvendor says.. ".. he's a survivor..".. can this.. ".. he's a survivor.."- character... the hero of the pirate comic book.. can he be played by.. the wonderful actor who played.. Prince Philip / ... sorry.. real sorry.. real sorry.. Prince Phillip.. with two "l's..".. ?... can he .. prince philip.. prince phillip.. the actor who played him in "Maleficient 2; Mistress of evil"... can he.. play.. the hero of this pirate comic book.. which the Flava Flav character is reading at.. the Bruce Willis news vendor newstand... in the Oliver Stone-directed.. "Watchmen".. movie.. ?...

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