
Wednesday, January 22, 2020

.. future roles for Nikita bellucci...

1- .. Nikita Bellucci should be the very first actress to play Jean Grey in a Scorcese-directed, "The Uncanny X-Men" movie.. she should play her for at least 109 "The Uncanny X-Men" movies.. all of them directed by Scorcese..

2- .. Nikita Bellucci should play the definitive, quintessential female Raskolnikov in an 1880's-specific Saint Petersberg-locationed.. 19-hour movie, called.. "Fyoder Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment", directed by Stephan Soderbergh and David Lynch.. starring ewan McGregor as Milkoka.. ewen bremer as Mitka.. two apocalyptically crucial roles in the novel... Hyacinth Ryder in this movie as Sonia Semenovitch… Gary Oldman as Porfiry Petrovitch.. Monica Bellucci as Katerina Ivanovna.. Albert Finney as her husband, Marmaledov.. and Johnny Depp as Razumihin.. and Nikita Bellucci as the female Raskolnikov, the central character... this is her "Ultron"- movie role...

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