
Wednesday, November 8, 2023

.. Alexis Luthor (Michael "William Blake" Owen Tammuz Rosenbaum): ..".. I wish.. that there had never been celebrities.. these film celebrities.. existing at all.. whenever it began.. to begin with.. film celebrities are so.. they make you so lonely.. so very alone.. films.. what if the media of movies.. the media.. called.. the movies.. film.. what if.. it had never.. existed.. because I'm not even sure that there have ever been.. such phenomena as celebrities.. as phenomena separate from.. film.. movies.. the movies.. and if movies had never been invented.. and no celebrities.. ever.. existing.. in the fabric of space and time.. I think of Henry James's short story 'The Death of the Lion'.. and I don't understand it.. because no one ever thinks of meeting a novelist.. you are so immersed in the novel.. you are so immersed in the soul of the novelist.. in the novel.. you feel you know this novelist as your very best friend.. when you read and many, many times re-read a novel.. and.. there is no thought of.. I mean.. it's hard to explain.. it's like.. you've already met and become best friends with the novelist.. and I wonder if it's even possible to know any person's soul when you see that person in a movie.. Sam Worthington, Victoria Hill, Robert Pattinsen, Joaquin Phoenix and Embeth Davidtz are exceptions to this.. and Ralph Fiennes in the movies 'Oscar and Lucinda' and 'Quiz Show'.. Scarlett Johansson in 'The Horse Whisperer'.. Kristen Scott Thomas in many of her film roles.. many.. I mean.. it's possible that Kristen Scott Thomas has not been in many movies.. I just think of someone who is a soul in film like Kristen Scott Thomas in the sense of the word 'many'.. many film roles.. Cate Blanchett as Hela.. oh no.. oh dear.. Elizabeth Olsen being a soul-shattering Goddess Medusa as the Scarlet Witch.. Tom Hiddleston as complexity incarnate as Loki.. Chris Helmsworth as love as brotherly love incarnate as Thor.. wait.. wait.. Anthony Hopkins.. - Nixon?..".. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley 3-year old kate moss 14-year old susan-atkins-esque-poison-ivy kate moss megan d. iseult.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..

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