
Wednesday, July 24, 2024

... actor Ralph Fiennes: ..."... something terrible has happened... a true injustice... against Amon Goeth... I mean... I think of who WAS Madison Grant after all.. who was Margaret Sanger... Who was Oliver Wendell Holmes... and... who was Amon Goeth... during World War Two... Amon Goeth may most like... most like... he was it seems somehow like he was responsible for.... terrors... horrors... horrors... during World War Two.. or.. before.. or... after?... and I wonder.. what was Amon Goeth's voice like... what did.. his voice.. sound like.. and.. it's that.. I feel somehow.. like here.. now in the third decade of the twenty-first century... like Amon Goeth may still be ALIVE... and.. or.. perhaps.. perhaps.. a few decades ago.. he finished his work.. and submitted his work.. his finished work.. finally perhaps unveiled now in a public sense.. perhaps like.. an archipelago.. of information.. or like.. a labyrinth.. of information.. from the finished work of Amon Goeth.. finished decades ago.. and now.. perhaps.. revealed.. unveiled.. as a public labyrinth of information.. and.. I'm thinking.. that.. now.. like.. no good deed goes unpunished.. Murphy's Law.. one of Murphy's Laws.. no good deed goes unpunished.. and.. Amon Goeth.. then.. in his old age.. trying.. to make amends.. to achieve.. reconciliation.. to bring good works into the world.. and undo the horror and terror of Amon Goeth during the World War Two era.. and.. I'm thinking-.. now.." .. .. .. .. .. .. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley less-than-one-year-old-scarlet-witch less-than-one-year-old kate moss.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..

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