
Wednesday, July 17, 2024

... Martin Scorcese: ..."... I may not be the most punctual man... but... sometimes... I'm very punctual... in severe, special... ways..."...

... Martin Scorcese: ..."... I'm thinking that 'Lady Macbeth' actress Victoria Hill... that she really liked the William Marston Golden Age Wonder Woman comic 'The Emerald Eye of Hypnotia'... that she just loved how quirky Wonder Woman was in that William Marston comic... and how long ago she read that comic... maybe... I could have been punctual... for her... casting her right away... specifically... exclusively... as this wonderfully idiosyncratic Wonder Woman of this very special Golden Age comic 'The Emerald Eye of Hypnotia'... maybe.. Victoria Hill would have liked that... in the same Wonder Woman movie directed by myself... Megan Gale could have uniquely played the Greg Rucka Wonder Woman... and Leonardo diCaprio could have so very sympathetically played Maxwell Lord in the same movie..."...

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