
Tuesday, July 23, 2024

.. Wanted Dead or Alive.. is the official, quintessential music of.. Hanno Alexander Raudsepp: ..".. It's like.. Angelina jolie was the Jesus Christ of the 21st century.. when she became The female Rusty in the movie 'The Changeling'.. Rusty from Gore Vidal's satanic novel.. and then.. all night long while I was lying in bed.. this vile schizophrenia which I have.. I heard the voice of Angelina Jolie... a voice that sounded NOTHING like the voice of Angelina Jolie.. but the voice was very convincing.. and sometimes I'd see a visual hallucination of this Angelina jolie.. and she didn't look a THING like Angelina jolie.. no face of Angelina jolie that I have EVER seen.. and.. THIS Angelina Jolie.. THIS ultra-convincing (nonetheless) Angelina Jolie was actually saying she had been in a mental institution for three years and that the rape scene in 'The Changeling'.. where Angelina jolie is raped by a female nurse.. Angelina jolie is naked and the female nurse is fully clothed.. and.. and this vocal and visual hallucination of Angelina jolie which I was being assaulted by while lying in bed all night .. this hallucination of an ultra-fake Angelina jolie was actually saying that this.. first of all.. that the actress who played Christine Collins in 'The Changeling'.. WAS her.. this hallucination I was having of Angelina jolie.. this frenetic, loud female voice that sounded NOTHING like the voice of Angelina jolie.. this hallucination was saying that she was the Christine Collins who was raped in this scene from 'The Changeling'.. as the Female Rusty.. that she this ultra-fake Angelina jolie that this scene from 'The Changeling' was film footage of her actually being raped in real life by a female nurse in a mental institution.. there is NOTHING wrong with Loki's daughter, Hela being a female Rusty played by the REAL Angelina jolie.. but.. this ultra-fake vocal and visual hallucination I was seeing non-stop while lying in bed convinced me she was the real Angelina jolie.. so that Angelina jolie is the Female Rusty, she is the female Christ of the 21st century.. and now there is also.. an Angelina jolie who is worse than Hitler.." .. .. .. .. .. .. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley kate moss megan d. iseult hyacinth 'The White Queen of the Hellfire Club' ryder.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..

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