
Thursday, July 18, 2024

.. Marty Scorcese: ..".. is the SR-71.. a sonar jet.. a jet that travels at the speed of sound.. is that what William E. Burrows writes about the SR-71 in his book about satellite surveillance "Deep Black".. ? .. .. .. .. because.. when you just want.. to die.. like that wonderful, powerful Shakespeare commenter / critic who wrote that Shakespeare's Hamlet was not suicidal as much as he felt a passive desire.. to be dead.. I wonder what being in a jet that travels at the speed of sound.. means to that.. passive desire to be.. dead.. that Hamlet had.. because.. I wonder when you think of what happens to the molecules.. of which.. you are.. composed.. constituted.. when you yourself are thus travelling at the speed of sound.. where you may feel that.. that experience.. sends you... sends yourself.. as Harold Bloom might put it.. sends your selfsame self.. to another reality-realm.. and at the end of your sonar at-the-speed-of-sound journey.. you are.. in molecular terms.. in molecular physical terms.. you are.. now.. someone else.. physically.. someone else.. and your previous self travelled.. to another reality-realm.. because.. I mean.. via.. the experience.. of travelling inside a jet that moved.. that travelled.. at the speed of sound.."..

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