
Thursday, September 17, 2015

Diana Parker lives in a town called trenton.. a town inside a dome.. a tone town inside a force field.. a science lab town.. a town of glugg an' chuff.. a toun on a chemical lab table science sifting salt.. a town with almost only living, almost biological entirely human holograms inside the town of trenton.. the holograms don't KNOW anything that happens outside trenton.. outside the town of trenton...

the comic book "convergance Diana"... with a lower case "c" and an upper case "D"...

.. who is saunderson.. he is Diana parker.. Diana parker is glugg... Diana parker is chuff.. Diana parker is saunderson.. hanno is saunderson too...

 mrr... sauunndderrrssoonnnn...

Diana parker:  this is the town of the hillbilly kentucket.. the Kentucky derby runs her... runs her down... this is a mindwipe town.. holograms are mindwiped hear.. hear hear the won town of ov da Kentucky derby.. their is a central point in the town meridian that is a Kentucky fried chicken.. megan d. iseult had a panic attack to preserve the name of the corporate restaurant Kentucky.. she turned herself into a chicken, a striptease chicken.. very erotic...

Diana parker: ... the axis of margin.. the prime meridian.. the central coordinate of rotation margins.. ahh the centre of margin the term is in marshall mcCluhan..

people have to know about Trenton very soon...  Roseanne could have been filmed in this twown town.. toon town... tiny tune town.. merry melodies.. my way or da highway.. dian ap parker nap out naptime tablenapkins.. dam da Kentucky derby bervy like a merry beaver...

Diana parker:  ... are holograms made of diamond or not.. I hope so.. for their sake..

Diana parker:  a silly town not more sillier than justice amazon..

Diana parker: .. I have met many most of the important people on the earth thru dome logistics...

Diana parker:  .. dome logistics are a puzzle but who is the key.. I wish to meet him.. soon.. meece out... the day of the foxes is the key's work labyrinth.. he may could have written the book.. I'm convinced the key has written books of Nazi Germany.. to understand the labyrinth of deimos...

Diana parek parker peter:.. peter lived in apartment and had a tough time incarnate me convincing people he was spider man.. will I have a hard time convincing people I'm wonder woman...

Diana parker:  .... I am going to meet lady styx eventually but I won't know no who she is...

Diana parker: ... deimos is guaranteer of my trust.. grante e r..

Diana parker:  this is a grant emission me nude and awkward and fat.. I am a fat woman nude now and also very soon...

Diana parker:  I wouldn't mind being soon a nude gail simone..

nemesis steve trevor:  aa....all the parker's are funny...

harry Knowles:  funny, funny, funny, funny, funny, funny parker...

all of the above dialogue by larry hama...

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