
Saturday, September 19, 2015

.. nude lois lane is hanno lois.. nude lois lane chuff is hanno lois.. nude lois lane los shadow is hanno lois hanno o'nonhanno los shadow.. a lost boy lois.. nude lois lane yawns a los shadow dusk grey yawn crater dusk gene hackman...

... nude lois lane pre-crisis is hanno lois.. a nonhanno hanno lois pre-crisis.. nue she is hanno lois shaun.. she is shawn.. CEO of Virgin... Richard branson made nude lois shawn los his next CEO of Virgin.. but he with all his planes spends decades looking for where she is.. the banks have shut down all credit accounts so the trillions of dollars of the salary branson has allotted for her never make it to her.. they are los... shawn steps down and starts lovesack incorporated to find nue lois lane shaun pre-crisis.. it is a yawn abyss suburbia.. finnegans wake.. 'ns innis Harold ... finneganinnis innis harold.. was bruce Wayne's once only friend in the Batcave Harold based on Harold Innis .. the other other along besides James Joyce that Marshall McCluhan said he would be happy to have his own footnote work books be a footnote of the books of .. of Harold innis of the batcave that is...?...

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