
Friday, October 21, 2016

Jack Nicholson in "The crossing guard" by Sean Penn..

Jack Nicholson: .. ".. the crossing guard I met.. he might be a nice man.. but he's a SCARY nice man... a scary, scary, SCARY nice man.. he said kids, teenage kids, are .. have been.. FINED.. a hundred and forty dollars.. for not .. for staying inside the line.. that's HEINOUS... a terrible thing to say, a terrible thing to say.. for a man who LOOKS like a nice man.. now why would a man with grey hair who looks like a nice man say such a scary thing, such a heinous thing.. the male crossing guard thing.. can't be that.. can't be that.. what .. kids.. KIDS .. have been fined he said.. more than a hundred dollars.. a hundred and forty dollars.. a hundred and FORTY dollars for not staying inside the buffer line.. now why in God's name.. in GOD's name is their a buffer double-line for cars.. for cars.. so cars don't have to worry about staying inside the line.. so their's a buffer line a double line for car's .. so they don't have to worry.. so the cars don't have to worry.. that's not right.. that's not right.
   ".. I finally decided .. if their could be such a thing as a nice male crossing guard .. maybe I could be him.. maybe I could be him.. nice to kids.. to people who like kids too.."..

.. a message from Scott Snyder..

.. oh.. jack Nicholson.. the reason this encounter with the Crossin Guard with the a nice, grey beard happened is because, in respect to the mystical protocol, "The Boschs", I read the book "Collapse of the Third Republic" written by William L. Shirer.. I believe "The Boschs" is combination of the word "the books".. and "the Borgias".... If you see William L. Shirer on the back cover, he looks just like a slightly bigger kind of person than the nice-looking, grey-bearded crossing guard man who said such scary words about the cops fining kids a hundred and forty dollars about not staying inside the white line while crossing the street at the traffic-signal intersection.. William L. Shirer looks just like a slightly physically bigger person as that somehow much physically smaller grey-bearded crossing Guard man... it is because you read books like William L. Shirer's massive historical book, "The Collapse of the Third Republic" that encounters with such physically small, grey haired, grey-white bearded men as the crossing guard I met exist.. I went back to the Tim Horton's coffee-shop.. he was no longer their at the intersection, the traffic intersection.. I cross now at the opposite side coming from both directions to and from the Tim Horton's coffee shop so I won't have to encounter him again if he's their again.. he might have gotten telephone orders to come home from the crossing guard booth nearby because it was raining.. it was still raining all day..

.. by the way, Jack Nickolson, Kate moss, Cat moss.. Cat for "Cat"?... James Joyce's "Finnegans Wake" is the chief masterpiece of literary irony written in the English language.. you will hear such ironic conversations and ironic gestures from people around you will happen- by the Boschs - in a coffee shop.. if you read Finnegans Wake by James Joyce in a coffee shop.. it's a rather blissful kind of irony that happens in your social mileau if you read Finnegans Wake in the coffee shop.. that the just preceding can be dialogue for you.. Jack.. Jack Nicholson.. in Sean Penn's "The Crossing Guard"...

.. you can also read "Plant-microbe" interactions .. vol 3.. published by Kluwer Academic Publishers.. sorry the book has a longer title.. that book should help make your coffee better.. or at least make the coffee more-wakeful causing and more hot and fresh... by the Boschs mystical protocals.. I really hope the word "protocals" is okay.. a really do .. somehow I hope the "word" "protocals" is okay.. Jack..

their's one last book I'm trying to remember to recommend.. i'll try to remember it soon or later..

.. ahh.. I remember the book .. it is book's by the brother Martin.. Martin Buber and Martin Heidegger.. read any book whatsoever by Martin Heidegger.. his volumes on Nietzsche are volumes of text for helping you make great, late 70's era movies.. like Ralph Fiennes "The Mighty Avengers".. Martin Buber's books on the phenomena of sounds around you.. on how sounds FEEL around you.. Martin Buber wrote about that.. He also wrote, "On Zion", which might discourage you about Martin Buber being pro-Zionist in a destructive sense .. but he also wrote about the metaphor of the "firstfruits" the seeds or fruits or berry's of such fundamental religious symbolic significance in Hebrew thought.. the "firstfruits" in "On Zion" by Martin Buber.. so it is a book that should be read... read other books by Martin Buber to read about the effects of sound effects in your mileau around you.. which is truly the Boschs.. also read Martin Heidegger to read about.. walking.. and sounds around you.. and the sound of walking as the sounds around you.. and the timing rhythm of walking and the timing rhythm of sounds happening around you as you walk outside.. that's written about in Martin Heidegger's "Being and Time".. the English translation.. all of this sound phenomena in you outside soft-focus and social mileau is 100% and 1000% the Boschs.. the Boschs.. the Boschs...

message to Sean Penn as well..

inkenstink medusa zoom zu Jack Nicholson und zu Sean Penn und zu Tiffany Fallon... und zu Michael Rosenbaum.. und zu Kate Moss...

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