
Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Julian Day (Alan Rickman):..".. It's the day they took the children.. got to read that book by Ben Wicks someday.. just.. just got to.. to find out.. at least.. what it means.. I'll tell you .. what... the day they took the children.. means.. to me.. to me.. to me.. like the paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy saying.. what the day they took the children... and then... like an Alan Moore character in 'Watchmen'.. she goes.. 'ahuh.. ahuh.. ahuh..."... it's.. what a computerized library actually is.. it's something... even beyond.. perhaps.. somehow.. arcanely... far beyond.. Braniac-13 technology... perhaps their is a dream land of Amazonia.. run by a young blond haired Hippolyta (Rusty Randakas).. who is princess hippolyta... a real strawberry shortcake blond-haired Hippolyta (Rusty Randakas)... who is leader of this realm of Amazonia... an unca joe.. realm.. an unca joe realm.. the true Joe Chill.. the true Joe Chill... a Chilltown reality.. Chilltrown.. realty... Chilltown real estate... I know... I know.. copyrighted to Big-Brother All-Stars.. is Chilltown.. copyrighted to Michael Males.. is Chiltown.. - what..?.. Will Kirby.. - no... - what..?.. - no.. to Michael Males... rather.. to Michael Males.. sorry.. Michael Malin.. "Chilltown" is copyrighted to Michael Malin... to Michael Malin.. and... it's.. - not Will Kirby... copyrighted to Michael Malin.. and.. it's.. when those cybrernetic monstrosities called.. Libraries.... Public Libraries.. those cybernetic monstrosities called Public Libraries.. did a truly Satanic Merger out of Creatures of Arcadia... ahh... young.. teenage men just out of their adolescence.. like Ahania Blacksmith.. read "Creatures of Arcadia".. at the Don Mills library... but.. it's.. like.. when the Satanic Merger out of Creaturs of Arcadia.. transpired.. between those monstrosities known as Public Libraries .. between them.. and .. Homeschooliing.. Homeschooling.. Homeschooling became a truly filthy thing.. and it was the final nail in the coffin of John Taylor Gatto... Homeschooling became a truly filthy thing.. when Homeschooling became nothing but.. libraries.. libraries.. libraries.. so do we stil have this other alternative called.. "unschooling".. - what... not homeschooling.. but rather.. "unschooling"..?.. or have we already arcanely, like a Stephan King reality .. utterly lost unschooling.. to the establishment.... to the cops and the feminists.. we have already lost unschooling.. as well.. ahh.. as.. as well.. ahh.. dammit.."..

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