
Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Star Wars - episode III - War of the Wraiths... screenplay scene written by Hanno Jason Leigh...

Darth Vader (Haydnn Christianssohn):.."... I remember when I was a young man who looked quite a bit older than my years... I yelled like a fucking-asshole maniac at a wounded young woman near-death.. and .. she was human.. a human woman.. a beautiful human woman.. and when I yelled at her like frenzied-berserker.. I .. transformed her with my maniac-voice.. into a corroded alien.. and she died.."

Obi Wan-Kenobi (ewan McGregor):..".. that is.. I don't.. Anakin.. I don't understand.. why did that.. their must be a mistake outside the libraries of time.. I believe she must have been an alien.. of that alien race.. and she's very much alive.. and I'm sure it was my own faulty teaching that caused you to yell at her.. Anakin.."

Darth Vader (Haydnn Christianssohn):...".. I am Preezrak-Vader.. and.. I can't tell you how wonderously miracle-naïve you are young Obi-Wan.. I know what actually happened and it is what I said... I killed a helpless wounded woman and she was fearless young woman and I inspired unnatural dark fear in her in her a fearless young woman.. and the evil in me was so young and ripe an evil like a chalk-berry in my soul.. no words.. Obi-Wan.. who may have been such a fun, amusing teacher to have.. also.. you were extraordinarily fair in every sole inflection of your voice and facial nuance when you said... I believe when you said.. "possibly".. when I silly young Anakin declared that Obi-Wan did you really believe your powers of the force are stronger than mine or however I said it.. and you said with utmost miracle-courtesy... "possibly"... and you said that Obi-Wan Kenobi with much reluctance.. lightsabers.. ah yes.. don't lose a lightsaber.. I'm going to have to figure out what that means someday.. young gentleman Obi-Wan... a ken ken ken of Kenobi's..."...

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