
Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Accursed existance.. is the music of.. Jack Morgan (Robert downey junior):.. ".. Hugo Strange.. Mr. Strange... it's that.. ahh... I like Villains United.. I think I like them.. it's that.. ahhh.. communist.. international.. their is nothing that is more on the inside track of the twentieth century than communism.. it's like.. railroads.. it's like.. Villains United is.. wayyyy.. on the margins.. and never the twain shall meet... Villains.. United.. communism.. maybe it's that communism.. communists.. categorically.. can.. can.. NOT .. be villains.. absolutely forbidden .. absolutely.. forbidden.. so.. Hugo Strange.. I want you to help me help my little buddies Villains United... and.. you work in.. the identity-trade .. don't you.. Mr. Strange.. you do trade wars with identity.. and it's like .. contractually.. okay... can you build a contractual or non-contractual bridge between Villains United and Communist International.. bridge.. like a real leviathan, monolithic bridge between Communist International and Villains United.. is that in your.. trade.. Mr. Strange (Ben Kinsley)..."...

Dark Music - Accursed existance .. is also the music of..

Holiday (Bruce Willis):.. ".. ahh... hell.. maybe the Bogeyman is me.. I'm sure it is.. i'm sure it is... i'm the Bogeyman … in this Bogeyman-movie.. of ours.."..

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