
Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Mark Petrie - Avalon.. is the music of.. the phantom Superman (Henry Cavill).. the phantom-Superman.. the phantom Kal-L (Henry Cavill).. Avalon.. the music of.. the phantom Kal-L...

Avalon is the music of..

Lois Lane (Victoria Brianne Hill): - in the shower..-.. ".. when I'm in the shower.. it's like.. I can see him.. I can see.. the phantom-Kal L.."..

Margaret Attlee (Nikita Bellucci): - talking telepathically to her.. also in the shower... in her own apartment..- ..".. when I'm in the shower.. I can always see the phantom-Kal L... in flight high above the earth.. in flight high above the earth.. is what I see.. for the past nine years straight.. that I've spent... residing in the shower.. residing in the shower.."...

Green Lantern of earth-2 (Ryan Reynolds):.. "... I hear .. it... like a mantra.. "... it's Geoff.. ".. ".. it's Geoff.."... ".. call Geoff.. ".. ".. call.Geoff..".. from the talkbacker-voices.. it's like.. it's pounding into my skull.. now .. I'm hearing.. ".. call Ryan.. ".. Ryan is not a nice man.. Ryan a bad man.. he's bad.. Ryan is bad.. Ryan hurts young kids.. the talkbacker-voices are now saying.. ".. Call Ryan..".. now.. ".. Call Hal.. ".. ?... Hal... ?.. -.. I don't know about Hal.. but it's .. it's Geoff.. and Ryan.. so I'm doing a scene where i'm being tortured in Guantanamo.. when I .. the REAL Hal Jordan.. also play Hal Jordan in the very first Green Lantern Movie ever made.. it will be in this movie that you will see Hal Jordan.. Green Lantern Hal Jordan.. in Guantanamo prison.. in Gitmo.. it will be a very, very, very, very explicit scene.. but I'm Hal Jordan.. and I am a man.. sorry..  Margaret Atlee (Nikita Bellucci).. real sorry.. "...

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